Crushes and relationships

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Warning: mentions of manipulation, sexual abuse, suicide, emotional abuse and self harm.                       

           Johnathan and Emra

They aren't in a relationship anymore, but the two used to be your typical loving couple, however as time went on they slowing started drifting apart, not as many meetups and barely any texts or calls.
Johnathan suffered from depression for a big portion of his life, and he started doing better, however close to the 2 year mark of their relationship, he suddenly felt even worse, he could barely leave his dorm. He stopped taking care of himself and even though he felt guilty, he couldn't manage getting out of bed to meet up with Emra.
Emra would sometimes go visit him and check up on him now and again to see how he's holding up, though going weeks to months with no contact she wasn't sure if they were even dating anymore, and moved away to a university that will ensure her future.
Now that he was alone and had nothing else, he committed suicide later the next day, leaving a note about how he still loved Emra dearly.

They knew each other long  before dating, and eventually Johnathan asked her out, Emra was so happy because she was to shy, afraid he'd reject her.
They loved to cuddle on the couch together in one of each other's dorm.

when Jonathan could afford it, he'd buy Emras favourite flowers. Meanwhile, Emra would try out her new nail polishes on him. She also would make some hot cocoa or tea when he's sad.

They'd go on walks through a park walking trail a lot to try and improve Johnathan's mental health, Emra loved it going jogging and long walks and thought it'd help him, too.

They both loved going to theatres or musicals together, they did it rarely, usually for a celebration because of the cost, it made going there more special.

Emra taught Johnathan how to dance.

Wilson the basher and rouge

They met before Wilson was a Proxy, Rouge attacked him and his friends, completely butchering one of them. 1 year later Rouge completely forgot about him and Wilson wasn't paying attention on what she looked like, Wilson became infected and she stalked him, noticing his mark, and they eventually got to know each other.
They were in this weird phase where no one asked each other out, it kind of just happened until Rouge made it official and asked him out.

They're quite protective of each other, even though they can both take care of themselves, they still want to look after one another.
They don't really show much affection for each other, it's mainly so it doesn't get in the way of their work, but in general they aren't the most affectionate people.

They have each other's names tattooed on their wrist so if they'll remember the other in case they forget.

They alway kill together, in the beginning Rouge would finish the job as quick but efficient as she can, because she stresses not knowing if Wilson is okay.
Rouge helps him with his if she's done hers because he's very messy and careless, unlike her who is a lot more stealthy and careful.
Rouge has to constantly keep Wilson out of trouble.

They like going for jogs in the forest.

Once a week they try and make time to have a drink together, it's a special occasion for them.

They sleep together most of the time, whether it's in a cabin or out in the woods. Wilson likes resting on her chest.

Rouge sometimes lets Wilson draw on her self harm scars. He mainly draws spirals, references from his favourite comics, or stars.

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