Vicky genocidal

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Warnings: death, self harm

Vicky used to be an optimistic and happy kid before everyone's incidents, always cheering people up, afterwards she became more depressed and aloof.
She eventually tries surrounding herself with people that make her feel better.

People at school already thought her and Jeff were dating when they were friends, that only intensified when she was the only one unscathed from his attack.

She loves Bingus with all her heart and makes sure he's well cared for.

She's a very anxious person, Vicky chews on her fingers and sleeve to help with her anxiety.
She picked up smoking from her dad, she snuck a cigarette because her dad said it helped him.
She switches to vaping once becoming a killer because she didn't like the smell of cigarettes.

If someone asks her about her mum, Vicky says she died.

She hates the weird light blonde kind of colour the bleach made her hair, and always dyes it black or dark brown.
Her hair sometimes falls out in chunks because of how damaged her hair is.

She used to always carry a switch blade just in case someone were to attack her again.

She wears a lot of jewellery, bracelets, rings on most fingers, her labret, two lobes and helix piercings.

Vicky always thought she'd hate to be a mum, that she wouldn't be a good one or be in the right mental state, now she has two and even now still questions if she's doing a remotely decent job.

She's completely stopped killing, now she's just trying to live her life as peaceful as she can with her friends and Bingus.
She even goes out in public with sunglasses and a mask or something similar on occasion, and has started trying to make a living for herself, not wanting to completely rely on Liu.

She refused to touch alcohol because of her mum, who used to be an alcoholic, but as she got older started drinking wine.

She has a weird friendship between Randy, she thought he was a cool rebel, like in a Hannah cool way, and he liked her because she grounded him.
She sympathised with him because of his dad and bonded other ghostface.
Although she likes Randy, she couldn't tolerate the other two.
She got closer with Sully when all her friends were gone.

Victoria doesn't have good judge of character, and will often miss red flags or excuse them.

Her fashion style is all other the place and changes often.

Her favourite bands are Cryoshell, Lana Del Ray and My Chemical Romance, she completely changed her music taste to get closer to her dad, friends and to try and express herself, before all of that she liked Taylor swift, and Rites of Spring.

She was 16 going on 17 after Jeff's incident, and was 19 when her incident happened.

She was apart of a CNA program to get experience to become a doctor.
A lot of people didn't take her seriously.

Ghostface was inspiration for her first few kills.

She collects vintage clothes, mainly 80's emo outfits.
Vicky sometimes mimics the style from that period.

Vicky feels she didn't go through enough, that she doesn't deserve the title as a victim because she wasn't disfigured like Jane and Hannah, or dead like Sully. To make herself more deserving she would burn her stomach or hips with her lighter, she wasn't able to do it for as long as she liked, and it caused faint scarring.

After Kyle and Anna attacked her, she had chemical scarring dotted all over her, and a shoddy half smile.

She was friends with Jeff because he had no friends and she felt bad, eventually she actually saw him as a close friend and helped him with the bullying, now she just sees him as this monster, that's no longer human.
To this day she has survivors guilt and often blames herself.

She's fluent in English, Mandarin, Spanish and knows some German.
Vicky knows a lot of asl, because she found it really interesting.

She uses humour to cope with her trauma.

Vicky loves to draw on her legs, she usually draws stars, skulls, and hearts.

She was one of the smartest in her grade, she studied extensively so that she could get into a good med school,

It took Vicky 5 years to find Hannah and Jane.

Jane and Vicky looked very similar, a lot of people mistook them for twins, they even dressed up like each other and pretended to be each other when they were kids.

She adores Sphynx cats, she'd love to give them little boots and sweaters, if she ever finds one she'd probably adopt him and make it Binguses brother.

Because Anna managed to avoid any kind of punishment for what she did to her, Vicky looked everywhere for her once she moved, it took her a year but when she did, it was very bloody and sloppy, taking all her anger on Anna.
Because of how badly it was cleaned the police found her easily and she went to jail for 1 year, this is how Liu knew where she was.
When she was in there, it was horrible for her, because she would always pick fights with the guards or get in peoples business.
Vicky eventually just minded her own business because she was scared she'd die there.

Vicky was into true crime, she was very curious how someone could kill and what they did wrong to get caught.

She doesn't know how to do much with her hair, and only knows how to do a half ponytail and a full one.
She doesn't really care to learn, either.

She currently lives with Hannah, Jane and Andie, before she used to bounce around in motels.

Vicky used to be active on social media, having 1k followers, but had to completely delete any apps because she would constantly get harassed.
She was stalked, bullied and threatened for close to 3 years before her incident, it was so bad she started skipping classes or school in general.

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