Nurse Ann

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Warnings: describing decomposition, weight, death and deterioration of mind.

They died in Taiwan in 2001, Ann went to Taiwan, their birthplace, to find work while also being closer to family.
They moved to Netherlands when they were a young adult, and stayed there til their early 30s.

They were a BDSM sex worker who also did live camera work to get donations when they were struggling.
A lot of the clients rude or sometimes downright abusive, their last one kidnapped, killed, dismembered and stitched them up on camera.

Ann would do a lot of borderline or straight up illegal things on camera to get more requests and donations.

Ann used to go by she/her, but after dying they found they/them felt more comfortable.

Ann had to learn a lot of basic things over again because of their decomposing brain, sometimes they'll forget again and Lulu has to remind them.

They've forgotten a lot about their old life and believe they were an actual nurse.

They speak to themselves often, their voice is very low and gravely, it strains their throat talking too much.

Their hair became very tangled and dirty, and their hair became very thin and started to fall out.

Ann is terrified of bugs, they attract a lot of them and is afraid it'll start eating them.

They smell absolutely horrible, they use leftover perfume from squatters or teenagers sneaking in.

They are very territorial about the hospital and they kill them for the safety of Lulu and themself.

Ann had a family, a husband and a daughter, Ann misses them terribly and can't help but see a bit of Lulu in their daughter.
They remember vaguely what they look like but don't remember much else about them.

They are very fragile and the stitches come unloose very easily.

Ann used to be more snappy and selfish, after dying they became more hyper vigilant, depressed and aggressive but became a bit more nice but distant after Lulu.

Ann's hair constantly gets in her face, but made a conscious effort to keep half their face covered with hair because they are missing an eye and are very scarred on that side. They didn't start until Lulu came into their life, before realising she couldn't see and stopped caring as much.

They had found the surgical chainsaw nearby when they came back alive.

Ann loves animals, always has and even had a rabbit named Bao.

They are fluent in Mandarin and English, Ann says a Taiwan accent, it became less pronounced after being in Netherlands for so long.

Being in the hospital keeps Ann from rotting, if they were to leave for to long they'd start to decompose quicker and would permanently die.

They love to garden and look after plants, they used to do it all the time with their mum.

Their favourite artists are David Bowie and The Rolling Stones.

Ann became bone thin after decomposing.

Once a limb comes off, they still have some control of the limb.

Ann used to hang out at a bar with her friends on the weekends to relax from work and home life.

Ann was exposed to radiation, and had frequent headaches.

They have a backup pocket knife for emergencies.

Ann physically can not feel pain anymore, but as a newly undead, they had constant aches and stings when moving, certain tasks or positions would cause a sudden flare up that could takes a few minutes to close to an hour to calm down.

They lost the ability to feel fear and anger or any strong emotion after a while, because of the continuous rotting of the amygdala, and has started to forget how they died or who killed them.
This is why they kill anyone who enters the hospital, and why they attacked Angel and how they became enemies. Lulu was spared because Ann assumed someone holding back and easily overpowered wouldn't be their killer.

Ann is no longer as good at making decisions and sometimes decides to leave the hospital, Lulu had to often drag them back in.

They often drank lots of coffee or energy drinks before work, their favourite were red bull, specifically the energy shots.

Ann is good at cutting hair, they used to cut their kids hair all the time to save on money.

They became insecure about their weight because their family would always comment on it, whether they lost or gained weight they always had negative something to say.

The hospital is run down and moist, and the crystal Vivianite, started forming on Ann when buried, and continued to grow as they went on with their life.

Ann wanted to get along with Raji, but he was too scared of them.

They hated their new appearance and their deteriorating mind terrified them.
They wrote some things down so they could remember, but eventually forgets to write what she wants after more deterioration.

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