CHAPTER 11: Cage

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Sunday, October 23, 2088, 2:45

"Number 2, come in" the small sensor placed into Timur's ear rings.

"Hello," he responded, touching behind his ear.

"You're needed in the birdcage, it should be up soon."

What is it? He thinks as he presses the button on his watch signaling a map to pop up guiding him to the direction he needs to go.

Once he got to the door where the arrows ended he stood there in confusion.

How do you even enter the supposed entrance is a flat wall with nothing but a camera watching him.

"I was told to come here," he says then slowly the wall seems to lift a large concrete slab that looks like it's levitating.  Once it's lifted he walks into the small room revealed and the levitating wall goes down. The selling seems to be glowing with light making it hard for Timur to keep his eyes open.

"Scan your hand to be let in." a robotic voice says. His hands are raised to protect his vision and the robotic voice repeats. "Scan your hand to be let in."

He puts his hand down on the nearest wall and hopes it's the scanner. His assumption is correct when a loud beep is echoed in the room.  Another wall is lifted and he enters it the lighted room closes behind him as the wall in front of him opens. He soon realized that he is walking through a long hallway, one that has multiple concrete walls every few feet. On the sides of the wall, there are holes that he assumed would let out something if things got out of hand. 

After the fifteenth levitating wall goes up and down he finally enters the largest room. The room is so large and empty that for a moment he does think there is anything alive in there.

Slowly more lights turned on and in the far back,  in the middle was a large cage with a bed inside. The walls of the cage seemed to be covered in blood and a few feathers were littered on the floor. The feathers seemed to be at least three feet long.  Timur hesitates to go any closer not knowing what type of animal would be in there but he slowly manages to stir up the courage to get close enough to look inside and freezes in shock once he sees what's in there. What the "it" was wasn't an animal in the cage,  chained up was a person, what looked like a scared-up boy. How long had he been there?

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