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Wednesday, October 18, 2088, 2:24 pm

What now?

Blais slides the paper under a pen, it hovers over the paper without making a mark.

Pretend I'm not here.

With that message, Blais starts writing simple sentences. Hoping not to cause no suspicion. "I don't sleep for more than 5 hours. But I don't feel tired.." He writes down enough but he never gives more than three sentences responses.

Spade looks at his responses with fronds and sighs, "Blais-"


The door opens to reveal Doctor Dolph, his heavy shoes hitting the floor with an obnoxious tap, tap, tap that can be heard from the hallways to the rooms inside. Both Blaise and Dr. Spade stand up to acknowledge his presence like little soldiers saluting the capital.

"How is Blaise?" He asks Dr.Spade with his psychotic smile that seems to always be screwed on crooked, his silver eyes spear to whoever dares to meet his gaze.


"Never mind, I don't care; my turn." Dr. Dolph signals for a guard to get Blaise.

"But-" Dr.Spade stops herself from saying she's not done yet.

A few years ago Blais would cry and fling his limbs around screaming at whoever would try to touch him. But that was eleven years ago when he was eight, when he had a home and a family and a dog. Now he's a man slowly losing control of something that Dr. Dolph could never touch or at least he thought he couldn't control his mind.

I'm not your enemy

He makes you one

Can't argue with that

The bird, though strong in mind, has been weak, tired, and never seems to be energized, like it took too much out of him to speak.

The more power they give us the more chance we have to escape

You mean the more power they give you

The guard tugs at Blais's arm and escorts him forward. He cringes at the touch, it's harsh like every time someone puts their hand on him, except for Dr.Spade.

The walk to Dr. Dolph's lab is a blur and comes too quickly. "Alrighty," the Doctor says to Blais with his hands in front of him. "You're going to love this new formula I came up with. You'll find that it'll have a nice kick to it." The doctor says while two other guards strap up all four of Blaise's limbs. His hollow-looking body was exposed to the sharp cool filtered air.

Dr. Dolph takes a step towards Blais with a needle in hand. "You see this," He puts it close up to Blais's face just a few centimeters shy of touching him, making him flinch to the side. "You're going to have eleven Pierced into you at the same time, four on each arm, two on both sides of your neck, and one directly to your heart," he says happily.

Shallow breaths and a weak glare is the only response the Doctor gets from Blais. "Enjoy, I sure will." With that, he leaves to the small protective room on the side leaving three of the guards outside of the security of bulletproof glass and 3 feet of concrete.

Once secure inside Dr.Dolph presses the button that causes all the needles needing to inject fire into Blais's body. His screaming echoes through the room traveling through the hallway floating to the suffice where the wind can be felt, where there were more than white walls and concrete floors. Where one girl swore she could hear a shout for help in the far distance, or maybe it was an echo of her anguish. And maybe it was a sign from God telling her that she wouldn't have to be in pain alone anymore. Maybe...

𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐭 😁

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