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November 1, 2088 11:46 pm

The unnamed

I can't spare a moment. As soon as I smear the black around my eyes I make a run for it; trying the best to stay close to corners. It isn't as hard as I thought to blend in, especially when everyone around seems to be blinded. Is this what has become of humans?

Everyone seems to be on something that makes them blind of all senses. Maybe hold glass bottles in their hand or have white powder on their noses. Some have marks line mine.. Deep bruising on their inner arms. I look at a man sprawled out on the floor; his limbs lay limp on the side eye wide. He doesn't take his eyes off me, like he's physically unable to look away. His mouth opens and closes, like he wants to say something or scream But no noises come out of the man.

I walk away from him, I remember the face he had from the facility. It's the face of a soon to be dead man. The more I walk forward the more I see people less in a state of zombification. One woman comes up to me and slaps a flier on my chest. "Well be waiting for you" she says to me with a wink. She wears flowers, only flowers across her chest, 2 small orange flowers don't seem to be attached by anything but whatever hope she has that they stay on. As for the lower part of her body there is at least a single string attaching the flower from the female's front.

I may not know this world but I do know glaces. The way the men from the street look at her some of them even grab her. It's a look I saw the male guards look at the younger woman. I remember hearing how they would trap them in some closet to feel a woman. Some didn't even bother in finding a closed room. The males knew all that would happen is a subtle look or maybe some others would ask if they could join. No one said anything about it and yet when one of the women ended up pregnant the woman would be forced to tramite her own child. The doctor would say they have no right to the chance of motherhood. A woman could only chose to be a mother or a laborer because the fine print said in the contract that she had sign stated that she was not allowed to birth a child and had no way out of the facility she had no choice.

A story I heard from Timur caught my attention once. A female scientists got raped by a guard every day for three weeks. Although Timur never admitted to anyone why he killed that man, everyone secretly knew the reason for it. The scientist didn't find out till her womb gave itself away. The Doctor had scheduled an abortion for her the next morning but she had killed herself with the same drug she had been preparing for me and burnt the information on how it was made. She left a note for The Doctor saying "You dare try to kill my child so I dare to kill yours!" Spade looked more distressed after that. Blaise had asked her what the scientist was supposed to make but she never answered the question.

I notice for the fourth time the same symbol painted in neon green. Many people stand outside eager to get inside of any of these buildings with that mark. The way they wait is like they have never been able to wait before. I don't bother to stand in line with them and see if there is a backdoor else were. I see a boy about my age lifting some boxes and putting them down with a hard clink. He sighs and grabs one of the bottles from the box and drinks half of its contents on his way to sit next to the wall he drops on the floor. What are they having? I pick up the same bottle he holds and takes a whiff. It smells like nothing in particular. I want to know if I will have the same reaction as the boy who is completely blacked out in front of me. Or maybe i'll end up throwing up on the side of the street like how I saw some of the girls back at the entrance. I take a sip from the bottle even if it was poison. I won't drop dead unless it was my kryptonite. Nothing? I get no reaction from the subsent so I take the rest that was inside into my body. And nothing. I drop the bottle and walk inside the now open back door. When I turn to close it I see the boy twitching his head back. Another one isn't going to make it. I didn't know it then, what disease had landed on these people. Maybe I should continue to be oblivious to it. 

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