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November 1, 2088 7:08 pm


"Why does dia de los muertos have to fall on a fucking Monday. Maybe I'll skip class tomorrow." Chava says to me while I fix up my hair. "Do you think I should put my hair up with flowers or down with a flower cowboy hat? I can't decide." He grabs the batch of Cempazuchitl on the side of my bed and puts it next to my vanity. "Flowers are more traditional."

I nod and continue with his choice in mind as he goes back to trying to fix the large tear in my black skirt. "I still can't believe you don't know how to sew;  there's no way in hell I can fix this. Did you cut out a chunk of fabric or something? My God."

"Actually, I think I did." My mouth moves up to a smile when I watch his reaction from the mirror and laugh. He takes the pair of scissors next to them and cuts the tear wider at the top. "What are you doing?" I turn around to ask a little annoyed. He doesn't bother to look up at me to respond to my question.

"I'm making this into a wrap skirt there's no way I can just sew it straight it's going to look funny. Give me about 30 minutes and it will be ready by then you're probably half way through your fucking makeup." He turns on the sewing machine in the corner of my room and its noise echoes through the room.

This large 2 story house only has us in it for the majority of the year. On very rare occasions it has 3 though it used to be 5. Chava is my cousin who lives on the right side of my property. His little sister Mia lives with him; along with their father Juan all three of them live in a smaller 2 bedroom house that has about 10 acres surrounding it. 

After my brothers left, Chava started living with me downstairs in the condition that still comes home for at least 30 minutes every day. He hasn't broken his promise in the one and a half years he's taken over what used to be my eldest brother's room.

"It's done!" Chava says proudly holding up my skirt. "Ooo it looks like a whole new skirt!" I say looking at the new ruffle he added to the side slit going down wrapping all around the hem of the skirt.

"Now be ready in an hour." He says as he heads downstairs.

By the time we actually leave out the door it's already 9:23. "Shit i'm going to be late for work!" Chava says as he scrabbles for his car keys. "I found them." I say holding them up and throwing them to him. We both sprint to the door taking our places in the Cybertruck. Chava takes the driver's seat while I hope on the passenger side. As soon as we were out of the driveway Chava pressed down on the gas leaving the red light in the past.

Even though being late is just considered a small misdemeanor it can still cost you; especially on special event nights. "Shit, this is the worst day to be late. I'm supposed to be-AHHHHHH" In that split moment a body collides with our truck making a prominent Smack noise with the impact .

The body  rolls over to the top of the windshield, both of us stay still like deer.. Baffled on what we just witnessed. "Chava," I whisper "Is he alive?" I see features too masculine to be a female laying across Chava's truck. His broadness is what catches my eyes first with the street light emulating his masculinity. his curls looked untamed and knotted, all of his joints seemed to be red and scraped. A piece of cloth is wrapped around one of his forearm. 

Chava just slowly takes off his seatbelt and steps outside, I follow his same actions. Chava immediately checks the man's pulse putting two of his fingers on the man's neck. "He's alive." Chava seems to immediately go into medical student mode. "Sir, can you hear me? Can you tell me your age or name? Do you know who you are? Talk to me." Chava continues to talk as he tries to position the man's body on his back  and check for any injuries. "There is no evidence of injury to the cervical spine; it appears to be intact without signs of bone deformity." Chava takes a moment to pause...."Wait how the fuck is that possible?" he turns to me and says with shock written all over his face. "Ain't no fucking way he's got no major injures. I mean he looks fucked but theres no bones out of there place."

He grabs a flashlight from his pocket and flashes it in the man's eyes. "He's responsive? This guy should have been in critical condition." Chava says to himself.

I don't question chava's medical opinion with his 3.9 GPA and 3rd year of knowledge in nursing. "What do you suggest we do?" I say looking behind chava's shoulder to the man who still has yet to open his eyes.

"We take him to 18th street." He says, sliding the man onto his shoulders, he tumbles with the extra weight on him but stays on his feet just in time for me to open up the back door of the truck and help launch the man into the back seat. The man doesn't land on the seat fully as his legs lay limp on the floor of the truck. 

"Well at least we now have an excuse why you're late." I say to Chava putting my hands on his shoulders and giving him a short massage. He shrugs me off, and opens the passenger seat door gesturing for me to go inside. I pick up on the cue and hop inside.  I don't bother looking at the time but keep my eyes out on the road for any unexacting victims. 

                                                                            Author's notes 

I would really appreciate if you took a second to vote. If you got this far then that means that you are enjoying my story; share what you think about this book and I will answer your comments. Expect the romance to start coming in along with some good action. This marks the end of the binging but expect there to be a fast downhill. 


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