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Doctor Gray comes inside the room holding a notebook stuffed with paper of all colors. He examines the specimen that has been the product of 50 years of his life. The doctor looks at the unnamed character in awe, proud of his abomination. "I did it!" The lights flicker in and out not seeming to be steady. The last he saw of the subject, he was a living skeleton but now he lay like the electric benign he was. His skin is as pale as can be but still somehow had a healthy glow about him. The glossiness of his black hair was eye-catching, his laughter would draw anyone close.

"How do you feel?" The Doctor asks, walking slowly up to the subject bending his head down to get a closer look at him. One of the pens he holds in the pocket of his lab coat comes out with a light tap noise that hits the ground rattling the subject. The subject didn't pay much attention to the doctor before when he had asked the question to him but something about that sound triggered him out of the spell he was on. The subject's head snaps in the direction that the doctor stands in. The subject's eyes are jet black, so black that if it was not for the glitter to them, it would have seemed to be the eyes of a demon.

The doctor seems to be entranced by them "that is some ability I did not anticipate." one had pretended to graze over the subject's face. "Those eyes of yours seem to be quite hypnotizing."

A sparke snapped in his eyes, at first softly but then it felt like there was a storm inside them. "You must die." The subject says as he dashes up to his feet. With one punch the doctor's body flies back with his head smacking the wall harsh enough for pieces of his skull to be splattered everywhere. 

The subject swiftly walks over the mess and picks up the dead doctor's tablet. Glancing over the tablet the subject doest know what buttons to press that will allow him to get out. There seems to only be symbols and no recognizable words on it.

With no other choice to make he goes to press random buttons. Some seem to do nothing at all, others turn off and on lights. "Give me that '' a soldier approaches the subject, he's seen this one before. "It's set in Russian, it's my mother tongue, you want out and so do I we."

Behind the man, wheels the doctor that Blais was so carcered about. "Blais, you can trust him." she whispers, she looks to be more frail then he last remembered. Her head seems to be missing half of the hair that it used to hold. "Blais isn't here."

The doctor that went by Nurse Spade lifts her frail hand to her fast beating heart. "He's still in there." she says with a hand to her heart. " And we are going to do whatever it takes to make sure that he gets to live outside of these walls."

"Anything?" the unnamed says with a straight face. She just answers with a slight nod of her head. The unnamed takes steady steps getting closer to Nurse Spade, bending down to her height and leaning into her face."What if that means I have to kill you both." her eyes grow large with my response but she doesnt move back. "I'm dying anyways."

"That's fair." The unnamed says and hands the tablet to the soldier, he takes the tablet carefully as though he is aware that one electric pulse from the unnamed fingertips could kill him.

The unnamed watches the soldier carefully watching every button he presses. Just a few seconds later he stops pressing the different symbols on the tablet and looks up to the unnamed. "How quickly can you get throw 5 stories of concrete." the soldier flips the tablet to the unnamed. "Memorized this, its your way out the doors open as soon as you click the button on the right-" he points at the one black bubble with more symbols. "You click that, but before you do that the map will disappear and every sound alarm will go off alerting all current 200 guards to all exits. You have about 5 minutes till the final back off will go boom. It blocks the last exit, then it's over. You're stuck here." the unnamed smiles at the man. "I love a challenge." With just a quick glance at the map he mentally takes note of all of the back door exits,flights of stairs, halls and stations where there are higher chance guards waiting to strike.

"Well then," The unnamed looks at the both of them. "I hope I never see you again." The way the unnamed said those words did not seem harsh but genuine. Like he wanted them to live, even if it's just a second out of the concert cell all of them had been trapped in. "wait!" Nurse Spade held onto the unnamed's arm. "Don't steal, don't kill, don't do anything that will bring you attention, stay away from the camera. They will find you. Just because the doctor died does not mean that you are free. Go north up. Find where there's a broken point in the wall. Go to America, stay in the valley between here and there. You will find people hiding from all sorts of things there. Blend in with them and make sure you never show anyone what you can do!" with that Nurse Spade hands him two rolls of paper. "It's money, make sure it lasts."

The only answer the unnamed give her is smirk and a bow before he goes dashing away to the next hallway. one , two, three..... He counts in his head before pressing the button opening all the exits one by one. A few seconds later the one in front of him slides open making the first floor out of the way. Four more to go! He thinks giddily, just four more floors and he can see the sky for the first time in his lifetime. 

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