30: idiotic

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November 1, 2088 10:05 pm


Lucas is quick despite his size, he could have had a full ride scholarship from weightlifting unfortunately he decided to be dumb and get involved with us. Then dumber when he chose to get arrested, then deadly idiotic when he dropped out of high school. All he is; is his body, he felt he lost control of his life and felt the pleasure of lust enlighten him. At least he's a good soldier; which is why we keep pardoning him of his bad habits.

"¿Qué necesitas, princesa?" Lucus says coming up to the rolled down window of Chavas truck. Princess, if it's not Pacifier it's Princesa or Chupón; the names that I am most commonly referred to here. What people call me tell me all I need to know about how they feel about me. Those who call me Pacifier means that they see me as a neutral worker on 18th street, they're not an enemy or a friend. Those who call me Princesa mean that they don't see me as an enemy, most likely a woman. Lastly, those who call me Chupón want me dead, or at least away from their sight.

"Llévalo al edificio de salud por mí" I tell him before leaning over and whispering into his ear. "Te aviento la feria después" I'll reward you later... seems to be the phrase that works on Lucas, he excitedly opens up the black door and rolls out the man's body almost effortlessly. He has him swung over both shoulders before Chava rushes over. "No,no, Está lesionado." Lucus mumbles something else after about what is the easiest and safest way to transport an injured person and moves the man to a different position.

The medical building is the first establishment on 18th street. It wasn't here until about 5 years ago when we realized not only can we be more off the radar with a small hospital we can also make more people need to be sworn into 18th street. The more ties we have with the people of the valley the less likely that we will be shut down. At least that's the method that has been more effective than the last one so far.

A 65 year old man runs the hospital. He is another Mexican man who went to America unknowing of the fact that his 7 years of education and 31 years of experience does not transfer along with his vesa. It didn't take long to find ex medical workers from Mexico along with willing medical students and even some people who have superior amounts of knowledge in medicine to swear themselves into 18th street.

"Dr.Pérez, A male approximately 21 years old, 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighing about 240 pounds, involved in a hit-and-run incident with suspected musculoskeletal injuries." Chava says when he makes eye contact with the head doctor. "The second floor, first room to the left." Dr.Pérez says then leads them to the elevator.

There is a white flag with a red rose on the front door we pass, it's a flag that you'll commonly see belonging to anyone or anything belonging to 18th street. "It will take about 4 hours for me to give you the final results if there aren't any more code blues. Which due to the day is highly unlikely but we'll see." Dr.Pérez says hopefully. None of us bother to stay long after the man is set up in the hospital. Chava seems to be panicked about if his absence will be noticed and quickly sprints out of the room.

As far as what's his very important business for tonight I am unaware of. Somethings about there being a tradition that's been going on for about 7 years that no one knows about except those who have been in it.

I bet it wouldn't be too hard to find out but I have more important things to find out other than what the hell the apparent guardians of 18th street do. I need to catch a trader.

code blue is the code color most commonly known for reporting any threatening life situations regarding the patient. Its starting to come in handy having a sibling who has a habit of talking out loud when they are studying. :)

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