~I'm feelin' so alive, wasting time~

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"urghhh" Jimin groaned the moment he woke up the ugly headache fucking him up real bad "those fuckers" he couldn't even afford to be angry because the after effect was worse than getting drunk in a gay club "huh...." he hadn't noticed the eyes on him all this time, looking up he was met with four buff men in black suits a dragon tattoo to their hands and he knew these were his father's men "who the fuck said you could come in" he screamed out but the men didn't give a reply making him to groan more and that's when someone walked in also in a suit "there you are" a familiar voice to Jimin said and he looked up making him smile.

"Tch tch look at you" Jimin was naked only the white sheets covering his thighs, his milky legs out but he doesn't give a fuck about it, "where is daddy?" he asked looking beside his bed, not surprised his night one stand already left, "you were alone when we arrived" the man replied as Jimin only sighed and fell back to bed.

"Get out!" the suited man ordered the other buff guys and in a second they were left alone "let's get you dressed" he walked around the room picking up Jimin's discarded clothes and Jimin sat up removing the sheets off him not really embarrassed being naked infront of this guy, he could care less.

"I had the best fuck yesterday can you imagine" he started excitedly as the man went on helping him to dress up "a new man?" he asked "well yeah, since you Yoongi wouldn't want to fuck me" he shamelessly said making the other sigh "am older than you" he reminded "age is just a number" he defended "am your bodyguard your father could snap my neck for even touching your hair" he added "well....fuck, forget it I got myself a new daddy but he slipped" he grinned maniacally "I want to find him" he looked determined "who's the unlucky guy?" Yoongi asked as he dressed him the last piece of cloth "Jungkook, he seems to wear glasses" he identified "want me to find him for you?" he asked knowing the obvious answer "ofcourse hyung is the best" he giggled and clung to his arm and walked away to the awaiting car outside

"Schedule?" he asked "a meeting at the Park co_operation in 20mins now" Yoongi reminded "meeting with those money thirst relatives how annoying" he groaned "your father will be very angry if you don't appear" he rolled his eyes and slumped back to his seat "should we get you home to change?" Yoongi inquired "why should I get ready for a bunch of idiots, just get me a coat" he was only in a crop tank and it was damn cold "actually give me yours" Yoongi is used to this, he took off his own coat and gave it to Jimin who instantly wore it, no refreshing, smell of sex attached to him like a second skin, messy hair and probably smell of alcohol but he didn't care he wanted to get it over with.

When they arrived the guards immediately walked side by him as he walked inside one of the big buildings in Seoul without a care in the world sassily making his way to the meeting rooms on the top floors, the staff who saw him literally turned back before their eyes met because Park Jimin would embarrass you without no reason he was anything but kind.

When they reached the elevators the guards remained back and him along with Yoongi made it inside, after all he was also his assistant for a matter of fact. "Hello everyone" he sassily walked around the big round table as everyone looked at him, some with hate, some with jealously some with lust and some with looks that could kill but he gave no fucks about it. At the corner of Jimin's eyes he could notice his father was busy with paper work as he adjusted his glasses all he wants is the meeting to go right.

The meeting had the board members who ofcourse had only family members and relatives aunt, uncle, cousins, in laws no outsider. Jimin sat at the opposite of his father the head table, no files on his side as Yoongi stood beside him "why is he here?" his aunt Lisa questioned as he glared "I thought this was a family board member meeting?" she added "he's family and aren't you here to give your presentation instead of questioning?" Jimin fired back making the woman shut up after all she was the only one questioning while others didn't really care, she better get used to seeing Yoongi around the meeting table.

Twenty minutes later and Jimin could only feel 'bored' nothing was even making sense here, and he wasn't the only one, his father was exact same, he kept rubbing his nape in hopes to calm him down, he wasn't really impressed with the things presented to him "tch tch" Jimin said it loudly bringing the others attention to him "what?" his aunt asked in irritation "what is all this?" Jimin honestly asked at least he was the only person in the room to always voice out anything that didn't make sense "boy do you have anything better in that little brain of yours?" she asked in mockery "I bet he's all talk and no action" his nephew added as he grinned making the others laugh at him but he wasn't even fazed a little, Mr Park just sat there quietly he's used to this "sir some water" his assistant suggested and he drunk the whole glass to cool him down.

"Yoongi" Jimin signalled and stood up standing to the projector while Yoongi fixed his laptop showing on what he'd been working on. It was around 10minutes later he presented everything and his father looked pleased finally something that maded sense. The rest were left shook they thought he wouldn't have anything important to give but he gave his best that too in a few minutes.

One thing about Jimin and why he was going to be the next to his father, he's very smart and sharp for work just his bratty attitude is what showing most of the times, he looked like a crazy party person and high hormonal youth which was true but aside from that, he knows what the Park Co_operation needed and what to make it rise he was smart like his father just everyone got the wrong impression about him and didn't really care, he wasn't here to impress anyone.

"I think we'll go with his idea" the CEO made his mind without even thinking "anyone objecting and thinks he has a better idea?" he asked looking at everyone but they shook their heads "well meeting is over" he announced and stood up to walk out as the others followed behind.

"That was very smart of you as always" his uncle walked near him while everyone had gone out leaving him alone with his uncle and he hates him to his guts he doesn't have an ounce of respect for him at all "I know" he answered sassily trying to walk away he doesn't have his time but he was caught back by his wrist "c'mon baby boy how disrespectful to your uncle" he smirked as Jimin gave him a disgusted face, he wasn't going to let go, was he?

Just then he heard his father's voice "Jimin I have things to discuss with you let's go" right then his hand was let go and quickly he walked out being met with his father ready to leave "why are you wearing a guard's coat" he asked with frustration taking it off him and handing it back to Yoongi who was now back "but am cold" he whined and the older took off his own expensive suit jacket making him wear it "wow so much love in the morning" he giggled "let's get you home you look like trash" he made a disgusted face "fineee..." Jimin followed along.

Papa Park 😍😍😘😘

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