~oh I'm falling~

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Jimin was... "Bored!" he fell off his chair the moment he screamed thankfully he didn't land on his painful arm which was the second day of healing but this resting idea was boring him to death.

Staying in a closed room for the whole day wasn't going to help him in anything he was even thinking of who to kill today, "should I go under dad's dangeons and play with the traitors?" he had a sick smirk onto him before he frowned "nuh too bloody" he disregarded the idea and took his phone he really wants to do something, unfortunately he can't go to the company his father will obviously chase him out to go back in bed so only one option he barely tried, because there was no need until now.

He scrolled through the contacts and got to what he wanted, Jungkookie, it read, well Yoongi did get him his contacts and all his address there wasn't anything he didn't know about his pick of interest. He smiled mischievously and decided to text him

Jungkookie:let's fuck!

The text read as simple as that as his inner self nudged at him at how shameless he was being through text, "c'mon you gotta be straight forward" he shrugged at himself as he waited for a reply which arrived right away

"Jimin? It must be you know who else would type that?" Jimin laughed out loud and quickly typed back

"Well am horny" he replied back and stood up getting his coat and shoes and the next ding was an address text "guess am not the only one" he smirked and walked out sneekly of course Jin hyung wouldn't let him out now he was to sneak out.
It was mid-day the snow all over the place ofcourse it was winter damn cold but that didn't stop the kids who were playing with snow balls, or the ones already making snow man or the busy streets he could finally see how the world works outside his personal space and it felt reliving like breathing new fresh air, Jungkook's location seemed not far for a walk.

The kid still in him couldn't help than kick some snow beneath his shoes as he giggled it was fun to him until he felt eyes on him, looking up he was met with Jungkook's gaze that carried a certain surprise in them and he stood upright to look serious, he hopes he didn't see that how embarrassing.

But what was more annoying was Jungkook wasn't alone "jeez that bitch again" he could feel anger rise in him stomping his way towards them and the audacity of her to cling onto Jungkook pecking his cheek "bye" she sang and rolled her eyes towards Jimin who rolled back too with an attitude and off she walked away swaying her hips for Jungkook to look but not on Jimin's watch who stood Infront of him "eyes up here Jeon" he snapped his fingers who Jungkook looked up at him "good, now let's go" yes always be straight forward.

The walk was silent, well a comfortable silence only their breath under the cold weather and the street fading noise, the hallways seemed to block the noise away from them the further they walked.

They passed by a cafe and Jimin seemed to stare at it for a long time "want one?" Jungkook asked when he noticed his lingering gaze "I would be crazy if I said no!" he snickered "as if you aren't crazy enough" Jungkook added and walked away making Jimin look up at him in disbelief "you have no idea how crazy I would get" he screamed "trust me baby, I know" Jungkook replied disappearing into the cafe.

Jimin looked behind his back "I know your there bastard" he whispered to himself, of course the coffee was an excuse whoever has been following them he will beat them to pulp. And so Jimin took steps back to the hallway.

Jungkook came back with two coffee cups in his hands just then Jimin to jump in front of him "you took long" "are you whining right now?" Jimin was quick to take back his coffee before angry Jungkook would throw it away "no am not" he sipped his coffee as they walked away Jimin glancing back from where he came from.
"Hmph...." Jimin was slammed onto Jungkook's door immediately when it was closed as they kissed roughly, "uh..." Jungkook could mistake that for a moan but he knew better, Jimin was actually in pain "wh- what happened?" Jungkook broke the kiss to look at him but Jimin was too stubborn to admit he was in pain as he continued to kiss Jungkook's neck "fuck your bleeding" he voiced out and Jimin snapped his eyes back to him then down to his arm, and indeed he was bleeding...alot!

"My white carpet" Jungkook was complaining already making Jimin roll his eyes "really?" Jungkook looked at him in disbelief "of course, do you how expensive it is" Jimin chuckled "don't worry your baby will buy you a huge carpet and build you a bigger house and have sex all day how does that sound" and Jimin was saying that with a straight face making Jungkook roll his eyes and walk away missing the smile he had on him.

"The stitches gave out" Jimin laughed "shut up what's funny about it am starting to believe your actually crazy" Jungkook said while wrapping his wound a new bandage, his dirty shirt discarded away leaving him in no shirt.

As Jungkook was busy Jimin took his time to admire his apartment, it didn't have a lot, but it sure was cozy, a warm feeling something that doesn't exist in Jimin's life well he will enjoy this, this time.

Jimin began shivering by the time Jungkook was done blame it on the cold, Jungkook cleared everything and made Jimin slide into his bed as he got behind him cuddling him "uh....much better" Jimin moaned in dire relief as Jungkook cuddled him deeper in the sheets, well this was also good "what about work?" Jimin asked concerned "fuck it!"
"Hyung I think he got you good this time" a boy around in his twenties snickered as the said hyung limped his way in the house "he's a tough one" he admitted as he took off his dusted coat, his face badly bruised, he took his phone to make a quick phone call "boss, he's too good, he literally sniffed me out" he said defeatedly "I know my baby boy isn't someone you could mess with" the voice replied while chuckling proudly.

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