~i can hear the voices listening~

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The earliest morning, Jimin finds himself wide awake nothing like he was with Jungkook it was new but only because he's questioning everything happening at the moment. Whenever he is with Jungkook he's calm, and contented like he's already found his safe heavens and that was a problem first of all. Jimin is not used to comfort its a lie that would eventually unfold and wouldn't be able to take the fact that the same comfort brings you pain later, it was obvious he was scared of this comfort more than anything and it kept him awake thinking about it and he wasn't gonna sleep anytime soon.

He was just covered in Jungkook's sheets and so was the sleeping Jungkook beside him, he cringed the way they both decided to sleep in their love juices and were even comfortable in it. Jimin watches how comfortably Jungkook is cuddle to him literally made him a human pillow, his arms wrapped around his torso sound asleep like a baby, it made Jimin smile as he softly moved his hair strands away from his face "the audacity to look this good even while sleeping" he rolled his eyes but kept on caressing his hair before eventually slipped out of his hold wore his clothes real quick and disappeared outside he needed to clear his thoughts.

What he didn't know is the moment he was out Jungkook could feel something missing and immediately woke up, he looked around before taking his phone making a quick call "hyung, find my doll he slipped again" just like Jimin, Jungkook wouldn't sleep at all if he wasn't near him and that's just another disaster the addiction was getting worse.


Jimin was mindlessly enjoying the early morning breeze giving him a calm feel exactly what he wanted right now because he can't stop thinking about a certain someone "your lucky your cute puppy" he stomped his feet on the ground with an angry puff he didn't like confusion, he's been perfect in all like a robot for all his life but guess not perfect to give what the heart wants.

As he kept on speaking to himself he didn't notice the psychos that have been following him till now "dude we actually got him" Taemin had a smug look on him as they eyed Jimin from their van not far from him "he thought he would escape us" he spoke with anger "i know Jimin like the back of my hand" he grinned "says the one who couldn't get a hold on him for weeks now" his friend interrupted making him frown "but i got him, so you loose the bet" he pulled out his hand to receive his money with a dirty grin on him as the friend gave him unwillingly but a bet is a bet.

"What the fuck are you waiting for go get him" he ordered his friends who quickly placed on their masks and took their baseball bats sneakily going after Jimin who was still having internal struggles to realize a thing and when he did a sharp pain struck onto his leg and he was down rendering him weak immediately "what the-" before he could speak another hit onto his head blurred all his surrounding and he was down unconscious "that was easy" one spoke with a scoff as they quickly carried Jimin into the car "what the fuck, i didn't tell you to fucking kill him, how are we supposed to get the money then?" Taemin was fuming at this point "chill man, he's still alive" he calmed down all that matters is that money should be given.

"JIMIN!" Taehyung shouted at the top of his lungs but the van that Jimin was in already gone making him panic, he saw it all but he was late. Teahyung had come for breakfast at his favorite restaurant when he noticed a bunched of youths creating trouble, at first it looked normal until he saw them beating up someone "shit" he was quick on his heels but the waiter stopped him saying he should pay first, he quickly took out the money and didn't wait for the change and ran out.

Taehyung had his eyes wide open he couldn't believe what he just witnessed "what the fuck" he saw them, he saw everything, Jimin was down on the floor bleeding but he was so far he ran but it was too late they had already drove off, he tried calling his phone but it switched "fuck it" he took his car and followed them. He didn't even think about calling anyone but he knew he had to get Jimin, he panicked and handled the situation himself and now he was tailing them from behind he won't let them get away with Jimin.
Jungkook was just busy doing his usual 'office work' kinda boring if you ask him he enjoys thriller and blood and of course the best of all is hot rough sex with Jimin, his lips on that perfect body drawing hickies and leaving none untouched and his dick deep- "boss" his imagination was cut short immediately when one of his men came in, talk about bad timing that shit was good and someone ruined it, "it better be important or be ready to greet your ancestors when I take you there myself with bare hands" he warned and the guy shivered from the threat, Jungkook knew it was important seeing how he was trembling and sweat all over him, must have ran up here.

"Boss your......I mean Park Jimin" and now he was rumbling "slow down" the guy only shook his head "he... he was kidnapped" that got Jungkook on his feet "say what?" he asked again making sure he heard all this right "he was kidnapped" and Jungkook saw red, how dare someone touch what's his... "Show me the fucker who's about to die by my hands!" he was fuming......

 "Show me the fucker who's about to die by my hands!" he was fuming

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Daddy's home 💗 🤭🤭🥹
Welcome back home Jin

Daddy's home 💗 🤭🤭🥹Welcome back home Jin

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Guess who 🤭

Soulmates 🥹🥹

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Soulmates 🥹🥹

Bangtan family 💗💗

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Bangtan family 💗💗

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