~Baby, come and follow me~

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"Easy, easy there..." Jungkook said while picking up Jimin bridal style as he could barely move his legs making him wonder how he managed to actually reach here. He walked to his room after kicking the door close and carefully placed him down as Jimin groaned in pain to any movement, he had a frown on him like it's been hurting since forever.

Jungkook wasn't expecting to see Jimin in this kind of situation not at all making him question what happened to him. Checking his temperature and as he guessed before "your burning up baby" he frowned himself as he looked at Jimin's body, he was in huge long coat and pair of brown trousers he looked ok until he decided to remove his jacket only to widen his eyes "your bleeding fuck" Jungkook was quick to get the kit as fast as possible and sat beside Jimin who was sweating and groaning the moment Jungkook touched him again.

"I don't remember your wound to be this bad..." Jungkook spoke while cleaning up his wound which was as good as fresh. Jungkook carefully dressed his wound up and took a cold clothe soaking it in cold water before wiping it on Jimin's forehead who whined in his sleep not liking the new temperature change "just a little bit more" Jungkook softly spoke as he continued to cool him down.

Jimin's clothes looked a mess and Jungkook decided to just take them off already leaving him only in his boxer. He wiped him up clean and Jimin was now shivering he was cold. Jimin's wound would be a problem trying to make him wear anything so Jungkook laid him lots of blankets leaving him comfortably before he stood up to clear everything after an hour.

It was later that night Jungkook slept beside Jimin as he caressed his blonds humming a soft song while admiring Jimin's beautiful face atleast now he wasn't frowning in discomfort. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Jungkook asked no one exactly as he made a thinking face and finding none in his memories "anyway whatever, but your beautiful baby" he smiled while caressing Jimin's pillow lips that had a pale colour "if I said that to your face how would your reaction be? will you blush or be stubborn and flirt back like a response" at this point Jungkook was talking to himself until Jimin flinched suddenly.

"Ah....uhmm" he was in discomfort "Jimin?" Jungkook called, seemed Jimin was having a bad dream "I.... Don't......don't .. stop ..." he was fighting off someone as he moved his hands in defense and Jungkook was quick to hold him back so he wouldn't hurt himself "Jimin.......it's just a dream" Jungkook spoke while rubbing his sides and whispering comforting words to his ears "it's ok, there no one here just me ...and you..." Jungkook continued to soothe him and Jimin tried to squint his eyes open, open to believe Jungkook was actually here.

"J... Jungkook" he called with a hoarse sleepy voice making Jungkook coo "yes baby" Jungkook sang while pampering his face and neck with soft warm kisses "sleep I will be here with you" he kissed his forehead and that's an assurance Jimin needed before closing his eyes back while Jungkook pulled him to his chest as he nuzzled closer to his warmth "it's ok......sleep well" Jungkook pampered him more as himself finally let the slumber kick in.
Early in the morning Jungkook was the first to wake up and immediately looked down at the fluff ball that was lying onto his chest. Jungkook took a look at him and he was much better no longer pale and glowing "your so fucking cute, you would probably kill me if you heard me say that" Jungkook chuckled to himself as he took time admiring Jimin's sleeping face, like this, quite, calm and not shouting at the top of his voice and not being bratty, it was cute.

Jungkook got up slowly and tucked Jimin back to bed as he went to refresh and later to make breakfast before his rich sugar baby started whining how hungry he is, the thought of it makes him laugh.

There was a loud bang at Jungkook's door suddenly just when he was done with showering, he quickly stepped out of the bathroom of his room his hair dripping water and in a short. He was met with two buff men and another shorter male who was in front of them glaring holes at Jungkook who was dumbfounded at the moment.

"Who the fuck....."
"How dare you take Jimin, what did you do to him!" the shorter male to Jungkook shouted out loud making Jungkook glared at him, "stop shouting" he whisper yelled at him hinting at sleeping Jimin the least he wanted to do is disturb his rest.

"Did you do something to him?!" he continued to shout and Jungkook wanted nothing but to kick his ass "let's talk outside" Jungkook tried but the shorter wasn't letting go "so you could escape huh, call your minions" Jungkook poked his tongue to the insides of his cheek a clear warning he was getting mad.

"Wow what a sight to wake up to" there was a chirpy voice making the two snap eyes to the now awake Jimin who was biting his lips looking at Jungkook's half naked body dropping water and his hair, don't even get him started it was once in a life time he's blessed with such a rare sight "I would love see you combat but for now, Jungkookie come here" Jimin called as he tried to sit but failed but Jungkook was fast to his side. Jimin pulled him with the strings of his shorts bringing Jungkook closer to him and connecting their lips immediately like it was a breath they missed for too long.

"Fuck you looking so hot in the morning" there you go flirty Jimin is back and Jungkook couldn't help than chuckle "not my fault your always horny for me" Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes and with one swift move he picked up Jimin with one arm making Jimin gasp before giggling loving Jungkook's muscle strength, "let's get you washed up ok" Jungkook said while taking a towel from the draw with his free hand, "no~dont want to" Jimin whined as he dangled on Jungkook's arm who only shook his head "stop whining" Jungkook warned "if only you kiss me" Jimin made pouty lips for a kiss while disappearing into the bathroom leaving the three staring at them awkwardly.

"Boss....I think the master is not in danger" one tried to say and Yoongi gave him a death glare "let's wait outside" is all he could say while they left the two who had already discarded them for a long time..
(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I laughed




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