~Don't know who they are~

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"Yes I am just from there" Jimin speaks on his phone connected to the Bluetooth while he drove back to the mansion, it was pretty late let's say that, Yoongi was going through his last schedules for the day because someone decided to over work, something about Jimin he will work when he wants and when be doesn't nothing will actually work but today is one of the days he's sure to work, he's from picking up some documents he's from signing with the new dealer, kinda sus doing it at night but he didn't mind nothing he can't handle.

"Then that's it for today get back home now" came the instructions from his hyung Yoongi making him chuckle "oh who's the boss now, huh" Jimin teased "am serious Jimin get your ass here it's quite dangerous you know and you dont have any guards with you what were you thinking" scoldings came from Yoongi.

"What do you mean he's alone?" he heard his father's angry tone through Yoongi's phone and he knew the're fucked especially Yoongi, "oh sir that-" he didn't have an excuse for that "Yoongi you do know how dangerous this is, give me that phone" it was literally snatched away as Jimin kept on listening but also keeping his eyes on the empty road.

"Jimin what are you doing all alone huh!" Came in his father's angry voice making him roll his eyes "am not a child dad" he was really testing his old man's patient "where exactly are you am sending my men over there" he made up his mind, yeah he was really overprotective when it came to Jimin, and Jimin really feels stupid when he's surrounded by those bunch of hulks they annoy him but his father wouldn't understand.

It's not like Jimin didn't want to take the guards with him, it was a rush situation he didn't think much at all when he walked out besides it's not a big deal "dad am almost there its-" the next thing they heard was a crush and shuttering of the glass mirrors "JIMIN!!" he called out horrified "sir what happened?" Yoongi could see his worried look"

"Shit!! track his location something has happened" Mr.Park quickly walked out taking his long ass coat and a gun strapped to his belt but he didn't stop calling out for Jimin on the phone who unfortunately wasn't talking back.

"Urgh!!" Jimin groaned in pain holding onto his bleeding shoulder a glass stuck right into his arm "fuck!!" he was ducked behind the dead car now completely smashed luckily he got out in time.

Some bastard ran over him and crushed to the big pole on the side way and that's not it he knew they are somewhere waiting to shoot him in time "of all days you bastards" he smirked and took out his gun from his back "gotta teach some bitches a lesson"

The road was deserted, barely a living soul on it, now that he thinks about it, it was a damn trap "all for me am so touched" he grinned and stood up facing the truck that wanted to end him awhile ago.

"Your really snobs, couldn't even kill me with that" he snickered, his left arm bleeding and the right hand a gun in it
"Fuck he's still alive" he heard them speak just then another car pulled off beside the truck "now what Kdrama is cooking up here" he couldn't help roll his eyes.

"I see you're still alive" came in an awfully familiar voice "Now I know why all this felt weird, night meetings and sending over killers wow Mr.Lee" he Snickered yet again while the man in the suit only smirked at his situation "now hand in the envelopes and I'll let you go" he offered.

"Even a dumb sheep wouldn't believe the shit you say" Jimin scoffed at the poor tactic he was using on him "let's get this over with" Jimin wasn't the one with patience, he took up his gun and pulled the trigger thrice shooting the driver and Lee's two minions besides him "fuck, keep the boss safe" more came in the men as the shooting started, Lee was  put back in his bullet proof car as the rest continued to shoot.

Jimin didn't look scared at all let alone even hiding behind his smashed car, he stood just there and shot each one of them without missing a shot, yes he was that crazy even if the angel of death was right Infront of him he would bet with him.

He laughed like a maniac as he shot Lee's men, must be Jimin's confidence scared them that they kept missing him, Lee already drove off without anything hoping his men would kill him Soon and bring the papers to him he didn't mind the blood they had to shed at all.

How long was it, twenty minutes later when Yoongi and Mr. Park pulled at the empty road that had two cars on it pretty clear that an accident happened here, a few cars with his men Parked behind them "I'll check if it's clear then you can come out_" Yoongi wasn't left to finish his word and his boss was already out "it's my son we're talking about here" he made it out walking to the scene, well son and father were crazy for sure.

The scene was gruesome, broken glasses everywhere, blood spluttered like some paint, and it was silent "Jimin" they started to call out walking to the dead men but one was sat making the rest be on guard "don't point your guns" Mr Park ordered he knew who it was.

"Jimin" he called out and was faced with a bloody face of his son "I killed them all" he had this sickening grin on him "shit are you hurt" Mr Park was fast to carry him up and taking him away from that blood war.

"Your bleeding" he was quick to tear his shirt off as Jimin groaned "must have missed that bullet" yes he was shot "hold on" Mr.Park took out his dagger and looked at where he was shot, he literally pulled that bullet with his bare hands and a dagger "ahhhhjjhhhhhh!!!" Jimin's screams filled the whole place while his father took out the glass mirror too, Yoongi quick to get an extra clothe to stop the bleeding, "the doctor will be at the mansion soon" Yoongi was quicker on that.

All that pain and bleeding Jimin passed out and his father picked him up and carefully sat him in the back seat as he was beside him holding him closer, he was scared for a moment there.
"I want all the information about who was behind this" he angrily ordered.


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