~Tell me, will I find myself?~

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In the vast expanse of nothingness, I felt like I was floating. I couldn't remember how I got here or why I was here. It's as if I have always been part of this void where time and space had no meaning. There was no light, no sound, no sensation just an endless oppressive emptiness.

At first the void was almost comforting, it was a place I didn't have to think nor feel but as time passed the emptiness began to weigh on me. It was suffocating that pressed me down on all sides, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of nothingness.

It felt like forever it was going on and on, I wondered when it would stop when I would feel different but then I heard it! A voice faint and distant like a whisper carried on the wind. It was the first sound I heard in what felt like eternity. The voice was soft almost soothing echoing through the void.

"Jimin" I remember the voice calling me every time, I tried to respond but no words came out. I wasn't even sure if I had a mouth to speak with but the voice was persistent and grew louder and more insistent.

"Baby you need to open those pretty eyes and wake up" wake up? From what? I didn't understand. The voice was the only thing that broke the monotony of the void and yet it filled me with a sense of dread. It was as if the voice was pulling me into something, something that I wasn't sure I wanted to face but the voice only continued to plead to me. It was a strange sensation, like being drawn towards a light in the darkness but there was no light only the voice.

With the conversation the voice used to speak with me it began to get more and more clearer, and I couldn't believe it I can tell who it belonged to, Jungkookie? I knew his beautiful voice I knew it was him and suddenly I felt a surge of panic, a desperate need to escape the void. I don't know where I was or what was happening but I knew I couldn't stay in here any longer.

With a final desperate effort I reached out towards the voice, towards the faint glimmer of hope it offered, the void resisted pulling me back but I fought against it with everything I had.

And then, just as suddenly it had begun the emptyness shattered. Light flooded in almost blinding and over whelming. I felt a rush sensations, pain, warmth, sound. I was no longer in the void, I was in a beautiful empty room with a blend of different colours and smelling as fresh as the morning dew.

I blinked trying to adjust to the light and the noise, the emptiness was gone but the memory lingered a dark shadow at the edge of my mind. I had escaped the void but I knew I won't forget the whispering voice that had guided me back to the world of the living, and now I wanted to meet the owner of the voice.

Still looking around me weakly, I heard a sound of the door opening and looking towards the sound was a girl who was probably wearing a maid's outfit carrying a tray that had,.. am not sure what it was my sight was still adjusting to the blur. The next thing I heard was a tray blasting down to the floor, the loud sound making me wince in pain, my ears were sensitive.

"Master Jimin!?" and now she was screaming it hurt to hear, "Ju...n..gkook..." I was afraid I lost my voice but I was able to form a few words it means am really alive "what did you say master?" she walked closet to hear me better "J.. Jungkook, I want Jungkook" all I wanted was to suddenly see him maybe to hear his beautiful voice yet again maybe the pain in my mind would go away, everything was suddenly overwhelming I need something to sooth me, "right away master" I heard her ran out immediately as I waited patiently....

Jungkook was in the middle of a meeting back in the company with a straight face that almost made the employee who was sharing his idea almost pee in himself as Jungkook gave him that piercing gaze. He stuttered while giving the presentation but Jungkook had not yet reacted badly so It means he was doing good.

Jungkook continued to listen while he drank some water before someone called him, it was from home he immediately answered while stopping the other from talking with a sign of his fingers "what happened?" he asked right away.

"Sir Jungkook, master Jimin woke up and he's asking for you" Jungkook dropped the glass of water he was carrying making it crush to the floor as the rest of the people in that room looked at him "I'll be right there" he hanged up the phone and stood up making a beeline for the door "meeting dismissed" with that he was on his way to his car "drive home, faster" be ordered Namjoon who did so...
Jungkook impatiently walked around the doctor wanting nothing but for him to get done over with whatever he was doing but he also understands it's for Jimin's better health. The doctor had warned him not to over whelm a coma patient who just woke up in fact he was supposed to be far from stress that is why he waited.

He glanced at Jimin who was already looking at him like a lost puppy it was very cute even if his face was still really pale and his lips dry and a little bruised from the accident. "Jungkook....." he kept on calling for him but the doctor gave him these warning stares to wait.

Jungkook knew any second later would loose his patience and would grab the doctor out of this room if he doesn't get done faster. Luckily the doctor was done "he just woke up so he's still weak refrain from stressing him don't discuss the accident with him" the doctor whispered to him from outside the room which Jungkook nodded and finally say him off, he wasted no time to get back to Jimin whose eyes were calling for him since a few minutes ago.

"Jungkook......" He called him again trying to raise his hand up but sleeping for months now his body was going to need a little recap on how to work itself. Jungkook saw his struggle and he was feeling really bad but he promised he would be here for him for anything.

"Who....were those people...a..and that doctor...why am I here....?" Jimin asked a lot of questions. "Baby...." Jungkook softly called as he took tiny steps towards him like he was afraid to hurt him in anyway "wh..y so far do I look that bad..." Jungkook chuckled shaking his head. "Ofcourse not baby" Jungkook got into this bed getting inside the covers and gently bringing him in his arms kissing his forehead.

"You have not idea how I fucking missed you!" Jungkook admitted as Jimin snuggled closer to him "thank you for being....in my dark phase" Jimin replied to him and Jungkook was abit confused with that "you mean.." "you read me stories didn't you, you spoke to me I know" Jungkook felt this weird thing his heart did "baby...I'll always be here with you thank you for waking up and seeing your beautiful face" he snuggled him closer as Jimin giggled.

"How...long did I sleep?" Jimin curiously asked, he didnt even know when today was "baby..you were out for two months!" Jimin surprised at that, the hell happened within these two months, just at the thought of it he got this headache making him wince "baby don't even think about it okay, you just rest it up" Jungkook caressed his soft hair that was now fading those blonds "I was sleeping for two months now you want me to rest?" Jimin asked getting a little angry "baby that is up to you am sure you gonna sleep in no time" Jungkook teased as he heard Jimin scoff at him but true to his words Jimin was already slurring he was too sleepy, turns out it was the doctor's doing and Jungkook knew.

"I...don't wanna go back to that dark hole" Jimin mumbled but Jungkook heard it, "you won't go back anywhere except here I promise you baby I'll be right by your side" he assured "don't leave me" it was the last thing Jimin spoke before drifting off to sleep while Jungkook covered the both of them leaving him to his own thoughts.

He knew Jimin hadn't yet regained the full memory of what happened before the accident and Jungkook was afraid he would remember then he won't like it. He hopes Jimin would understand why he did everything he did. ..
How was that!!

Not everyone freaking over this 🥹🥹

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Not everyone freaking over this 🥹🥹

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