~Hold the end of this night~

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Jimin shifted a bit where he was sleeping earlier opening his sleepy eyes and looking around only to remember he was still in Jungkook's apartment. He looked around and saw he already woke up and wasn't in bed anymore, looking down to himself he was in what was supposed to be Jungkook's shirt on him which reached his thighs when he stood up, "Jeez he's so huge'" or he was so small compared to him. His arm was already taken care of in new bandages but again that's when it hit him, did he actually sleep??

He barely sleeps, not like sleep wants him anyway always chasing him away with nightmares over and over again fucking up with his brains, so this was new he can't believe he actually fell asleep "Jungkook must be a genius" he smiled to himself.

He freshened up a bit and walked out the room only an inviting freshly made pancakes made his mouth water, he loved pancakes. Walking in further he was met with Jungkook's back presenting him the glory of those back muscles that was already making him drool "are you hungry for food or me?" Jungkook asked teasingly as he got two plates and turned to Jimin placing the plates onto the table "do you know what I am hungry for?" Jimin asked Jungkook who exactly couldn't take his eyes off him when he saw him in his shirt, well the feeling was mutual.

"I think I know" Jungkook whispered, Jimin with hurried strides walked over to Jungkook and right away connected their lips together not so softly, ofcourse it was always rough with them but Jungkook's arms onto his waist said otherwise as he held onto Jimin oh so gently like he was a glass doll but Jimin was too caught up in the kiss to even notice it.

The make out only heated more as Jungkook scooped Jimin's petite body and made him sit onto the dining table, they were so rough that the plates were barely hanging on so as not to fall down and break. "There easy you horny beast" Jungkook was the first to break the kiss as it was getting intense Jimin wasn't kidding he was really going to eat him up. "The pancakes will get cold" he brought back Jimin from his dirty thoughts, he was so flushed and was the room this hot??

The breakfast was silent, a comfortable silence between the two as they ate "this really good" Jimin admitted mouthful "you will choke take it slow" Jungkook warned as he got a napkin and wiped the cream at the corner of his lip and went back to eat on his plate, Jimin went still when he did that. It was so domestic and so simple that he could feel his heart flip at that. It was just a simple thing yet it was doing things in his heart that was confusing him even more 'stop it' he grumbled to himself internally.

Now that he thinks about it, never has anyone done that to him, to treat him like they meant a lot to them, it was someone else he would think they poisoned the pancakes, others would just fakely act nice, but looking at Jungkook, his actions screamed pure, "what?" Jungkook's questioning voice brought his back from his thoughts "you don't like it anymore?" Jimin was quick to shake his head "of course I do, why wouldn't I" he continued to eat more  until his phone buzz interrupted.

The moment he picked up the phone his father's angry voice shouted at him louder than the speaker itself making him flinch away from the phone.

"Jimin where are you, what did I say about resting huh?" he shouted but never stopped there "you really like making me worried dont you, say where are you, am coming to pick you up" he didn't let him reply and disconnected the phone right away, ofcourse father knows how to track his son, Jungkook watching all this like a hawk "uh what a bummer" Jimin groaned eating the last piece of pancakes hurriedly "Jungkook I gotta go" he quickly stood up running back to Jungkook's room getting his pants and jacket.

He was struggling to put his pants back on with one hand and Jungkook came to his aid, helping him back to his so tight pants, Jimin didn't bother removing Jungkook's shirt well obviously it was going to be his next obsession and Jungkook didn't question him about it after all his other shirt was bloody "see you around" he got his shoes and was ready to go before looking back and running over to Jungkook quickly connecting their lips in a quick kiss "thanks for breakfast Kook, it was delicious as you" there we go again his flirting and Jungkook wasn't even surprised at that but rather he returned the kiss "bye" Jimin sang and ran out before his father could appear from thin air.

And true he was already outside his car when Jimin skipped over him, Jungkook was watching them up from his window, he saw how Jimin had this pout on him definitely manipulating his father into something before the older took off his own coat and wrapping it around Jimin and sitting back into the car before it drove off, Jungkook took his blaring phone out before answering "boss what's next?" The voice asked as Jungkook smirked "you will know soon" he answered before disconnecting the call, whatever it was we would get to know it sooner or later 😜.

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