Angel Wings (Dean x Castiel)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

Dean and I were laying in bed on our stomachs, Sam was out getting research. The tv was playing shows and Dean's head was laying in the pillow, it had been a long couple of days for him without any rest and I had been watching over him. I noticed Dean's face scrunched up and he began to shift a lot, he kept repeating words over and over again. His body began to shift more as his head move side to side and his hands reached out, I gently placed my wing over him and soothingly stroke his hair. He begins to relax and goes back to sleeping peacefully, I smiled watching him relax and get comfortable. I used my wing to bring him close to me and crossed my arms under the pillow, it was peaceful and the tv was softly playing. I watched the tv for a little bit as I was curious about what was going on. I let my other wing fall off the bed and rest on the floor, my wings were heavy at times which caused me back pain sometimes. Dean shifts closer and curls up under my wing for more warmth. Sam had left a message on Dean's phone and had said that he'll be home in two hours, we had stopped at a hotel in the middle of nowhere and the nearest town was one to two hours away. But Dean had decided to stay here since it was quiet and there weren't a lot of people around, I didn't mind considering no one could see me unless I wanted them too. I grabbed the remote and changed the channel, it was quite boring doing nothing but flicking through the channels. Sam had showed me how to use the remote and what the best channels were, I found a channel that was playing a movie with monsters and decided to watch. It was weird, all the monsters looks faked and were nothing like what we faced. The girl screams as the monster barges into the room and rips her to pieces, I became confused and didn't agree with what the monster did. It had been a few hours now and the door opens, Sam walks in looking tired. He puts the keys down and takes his jacket off, I look away from the tv.

"Hello Sam"

"Hey Cas, how is he?"

"Been sleeping all day, he did have a nightmare"

"Oh okay, he must be very tired"

"Yeah, he hasn't slept in awhile"

Sam nods and sits down in the chair, I turned the tv off and turn my attention to him.

"Something wrong?"

"No, I just couldn't do any research is all"

"Oh, why don't you have a shower? It'll make you feel better"

"Good idea"

~ Sam Pov ~

I stood up from my chair and walk past the boys to the bathroom, I stripped my clothes off and turn on the shower. It was a cold one because apparently the hot water was broken and hadn't been fixed, I quickly washed my body and get out the shower. I dried myself off and get dressed in the same clothes, I brushed my teeth and combed my messy hair. When I opened the bathroom door, I noticed Castiel had also fallen asleep with the tv remote in his hand. I slowly removed the remote and place it next to the tv, I sat at the table with my laptop and looked around for cases. I heard the bed creek which got my attention and watched Castiel turn to wrap both wings around my brother, Dean groans and gets engulfed in the feathery wings of Castiel. All I could see was Dean's arms that were stretched out from Castiel's wings and his legs, Castiel's wings were huge and took up the whole bed. I watched a feather fall to the ground and disappear, it was an amazing sight to see the wings of an angel.

We are lucky to have you Cas...

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