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(I actually had time to post today instead of tomorrow at school, thank God)

(butters pov)

I just got told the worst news ever. I'm moving. Away. But it's only for a year.. the worst new is that my parents found out about me and Kenny. They were so pissed they are making me go to this camp, a camp for "troubled teens" is what they said it was.
My parents don't realize that you controll if your gay or not.. I don't want to go. But my parents are forcing me. They need a daily dose of reality. Seriously.. I'll push through it. I just hope the camp isn't abusive like most of them.
Today is my last day of school. I have to break up with Kenny and then fucking lie that I'm moving. I really don't wanna do that.. we just got together this year! This is a whole nightmare.. I think as I'm brushing my teeth. I brush my slightly long hair, it's longer than most boys in my school and some people call it weird. But who fucking cares? I like having my hair a little long. Kenny likes my hair too.
I don't wanna break up with him..
I start bawling my eyes Infront of my bathroom sink. His heart is gonna be broken, cause we promised each other we would be together til the day we die. This will crush him. And me, of course.. but if I don't break it off I won't be able to go back to south park, and I don't want that. I plan on going to college there, and if I do that my parents will take that away too. I know they like this town, too. But they are doing this to me because they are completely homophobic and evil.
I wipe my tears on a tissue and look at my reflection, I look miserable. My parents get mad when I don't smile. So I smile and go out into the kitchen to make breakfast, my mother is also in there. "Are you gonna break it off with that fag Kenny?" I sigh, "yes mom. I will." I take out a piece of bread and plop it in the toaster. I see my dad eyeing me as he sits at the table. "Don't you think you should cut your hair by now? You look like a fucking tr@nny." I give him a confused look, "what's that?" "It's a bad thing to be." He says simply.
Still confused on what my dad said, I take my toast out of the toaster and spread peanut butter on it. "So, butters. Are you excited to go to this camp? They are gonna fix what your.. feeling. And you'll come out a happy and normal boy!" My mom says to me with a enthusiastic tone. I take a deep breath, trying to keep my cool, "yeah. Can't wait." I'm such a doormat.. I sit at the dining table across from my dad and start eating. My dad looks at my phone next to me, "did you block all the boys in your contacts? I don't want you talking to any boys until your fixed." I just nod and keep eating. "Show me." He says.
I type in the password to my phone and open my contacts, "no one but you two." My dad smiles, "good! Your on the right track, son." I finish eating and quickly go upstairs to get changed and get my backpack. I hold in tears as I walk down the stairs and say bye to my parents. The sting in my heart gets bigger as I head to the bus stop. I stuff my hands into my pocket as my slightly long hair gets in my face cause of the wind, thats when I start crying, hard. C'mon butters.. be strong.
I swear, after I'm done with that stupid camp I'm going behind my parents backs and get bg right back with Kenny. I can't be "fixed." I see other people heading to the bus stop and I try to stop sniffling and crying. Everytime I show my weakness I just get teased.. the bus pulls up and I walk into it, slumping into the very back seat of the bus. I put my airpods and try to keep my mind off everything going on right now. I stare out the window at every passing by car and building. I don't know how I'll go a year without being in south park, it's actually a very comforting place for me.
We are actually going to new York. I've seen how busy that place is, and it's scary. How will I even do? That city is really big, nothing I've ever been used to.
The bus goes to a stop and people pile off it into school. I get out of my seat and walk slowly out of it, dreading to see Kenny. The tears seem to be coming back, but I can't let them fall. Not at school. Kyle walks up to me, "hey butters, what's with the sad face?" Oh God, I look sad? I smile softly, "no no fella! I'm fine!" Kyle still seems worried, "I'll go get Kenny." Before I can open my mouth to answer hes already going down the hall. Shit..
I go to my locker and my heart sinks even more. I don't wanna break up with Kenny, I don't wanna go to a camp, I just want my parents to let me be happy! Maybe it's because I don't stand up to them.. I am a doormat after all. I grab my books when I see Kenny going up to me. I feel like digging a hole, going into it, and never coming out..

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now