break up

204 7 15

(Kenny's pov)

Tammy smiles as she makes food in the kitchen. I usually always just go to her house, she lets me and my sister go here most of the time because she knows our situation at home. "Hey Kenny?" I hear her say and I look up from my phone, "yes..?" "Well, you seem to be doing a little.. better recently? Why is that?" I gulp, now I don't want to admit it.. but I think it's because of marjorine.
And she's not even helping me like Tammy is.. she just.. she makes me want to get up in the morning so I can just see her. Ever since we started being friends, I've just noticed how sweet and pure she is. It's oddly recognizable.. and comforting. I can't really put my finger on why I feel like I've seen someone like her before.. that's why I just always hang out with her, cause it makes me happy. Like something I've been waiting for the longest time.
It sounds absolutely stupid though. I think I might even have a small crush on this girl. Not just because of how breathtakingly pretty she is, but also because her sweetness, innocence, pureness, kindness, and just her personality is the most oddly recognizable thing. And I love her personality too. Now, it's not like Tammy is not sweet- Tammy interrupts my thoughts by speaking, "Kenny?" "Oh uh.. I don't know!" I say nervously.
"Do you think I'm helping?" She smiles excitedly. "Yeah, I think it is.." I lie. I wouldn't want to make her feel bad, shes also really kind. (You can really see Kenny's bad mommy issues in this story ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌) it confuses me how a girl i just met over week ago is always on my mind.. and she seems super similar. Like, how can she just make me happy by existing? I don't know.
Tammy smiles over at me and gives me food. "I made your favorite, spaghetti." She sits on the couch and turns on the TV. We eat our food as we watch TV and she cuddles up to me. If marjorine did this I would probably MELT. I knew I never liked Tammy, but I'm lying to her.. and that's not right. I'll take her on a date, just to make her happy. Then..

I'll break up with her.

(Tammys pov)

I lay my head on Kenny's shoulder and then he looks at me. "hm?" I ask. "Do you want to uh.. go on a date?" My eyes light up and I smile, "really!?" He nods and I engulf him into a hug. That makes me super happy. "This is unexpected!! Thanks Kenny!!" I say with excitement. He just gives me a simple smile, "mhm.." he says. My expression softens for a second. Why doesn't this feel right..?


He grabs my hand and we walk out the door, we walk to an ice cream place down the block and I can't contain my smile. He never takes me out on dates!! It's a relief, I love dates. We walk in and it's an actually pretty nice place.. but I do know I'll have to pay for this, which is okay!! I know Kenny's situation.
I look at the flavors, "they have mint and cookie dough together!?" I ask and Kenny chuckles. I feel a little better than I did before, yeah.. "are you gonna get anything?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No, this is for you!!" I frown, "are you sure? I'll pay-" "no. Please, I don't want ice cream." I smile and order my ice cream.
I hug Kenny and we walk out to a table outside as I hold my ice cream. This is a nice spot, under a tree. I sit down and start eating my ice cream, "so uh.. Kenny, why did you ask me on a date?" His eyes widen for a quick second. Huh..? "Oh! Well, I just wanted to make you happy and all.." my heart melts, aww.. that's so cute.. I smile and kiss his cheek, "Kenny, your the best boyfriend ever!! Really, thank you!!"
He smiles with a nervous glint in his eyes, I can't help but be a tad bit concerned.. "what's really going on, Kenny..?" I say with a little disappointment. "What? Nothing!!" He even sounds nervous. Fuck..
I get up from my seat, "I know it's something."
Tears form in my eyes, "Kenny.. really, why are you doing.. you just- you don't seem to like this, and.. just tell me." I know I shouldn't react like this.. fuck. I sigh and hug him, "sorry. I should be appreciative.." he gives me a sad look, "Tammy, your right. I need to come clean.." I gulp and stop hugging him. There's a lump in my throat. All I want to do is make him happy..
He takes both my hands into his, "promise not to get mad?"
I nod, what could possibly make me mad at him. He looks at me in the eyes, "I.. I can't lie anymore.. I was.. I was only with you cause you were the only thing k- keeping me alive.." my eyes widen. But before I can get a word out he goes on, "I know this is hard for you. And.. I've always really felt so guilty for doing this to you. It's why we need to break up. I want you to be happy.. but I'm not in love with you. B- but I really hope we can stay as friends!" My expression softens and I start crying.
I love this man with all my heart. It made me happy he progressed and.. I can't be mad at him for this. "it's okay Kenny" I say with a shaky voice, "I understand.. I am really glad I make you happy.." he hugs me and I try to not cry, this is really hard to digest. But I get his point of view. My heart feels like there was a hole drilled into it. I actually didn't expect.. this.
He pulls away from the hug and I look at him with teary eyes, "thank you Kenny, we can keep being frien-" the wind gets knocked out of me and I topple to the floor. I look up and see a wide- eyed Marjorine on the floor beside me. Did she fall and run into me? "Marjorine!?" I say.

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now