asking him out

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(Kenny's pov)

I wake up to the sound of my parents screaming. Again? In the fucking morning?! Goddamn.. I'm not gonna let this ruin my day, today I plan to ask butters to the junior prom. (In the beginning they are about 15- 14) I've never done it before. Well, I've never been to a prom before either. It's gonna scary trying to ask him, I can't afford flowers or anything either. I just have to ask him as myself.
I walk out in the living room where my parents are fighting. I see my dad yelling at my sister to get a job while my mother fights with him to get a job. I sigh and take my little sister as they are distracted fighting with each other. I kneel down Infront of her, "hey what's going on with this 'job' thing?" She faces me and frowns "well, I just turned 10 and our parents.. well mostly dad say I should get a job and that they can't keep babying me. But I tried to get one! Every place kicks me out.."
I put a hand on her shoulder, "I'll work twice as hard, so our dad doesn't get mad at you, and he can shut the fuck up." My sister nods but then looks a little bothered, "well, dad said I was a disappointment cause you were able to get a job at 10 but I couldn't.. how did you get the job?" I pause for a moment, "well, 5 years ago job applications in south park had little to no rules. I guess now they have more."
"..okay" she says and I stand up straight. "You ready for school?" She smiles, "yeah!" She says and takes the hand that I had out for her. We walk out of the loud house, the screams getting less and less loud as we leave the house. I can't stop smiling as we walk down the street. I just can't wait to ask him out to prom.. my sister notices because she says, "what are you so happy about?" "UH- oh.. will you not tell mom and dad?" I ask Karen. She nods. "I'm actually asking butters to prom!" I smile widely. She smiles too, " that's cute, I hope it goes well!"
We near her school and I kneel down Infront of her, "if anything bad happens, or if someone is mean to you tell me so I can beat the shit out of them." I say to her. She rolls her eyes, "kennyy- you tell me that every time!!"
I laugh, "yeah.. but seriously. I've done it before, and I'm not afraid to do it again." She nods and hugs me, "bye Kenny!" She skips into school. I get up and start walking to my school. I hope I don't get too nervous and fuck up- I really love butters. Hes a very sweet person.. the closet to school I get the more nervous I get. I'm really excited, but I'm also really nervous and I have a big stupid smile plastered on my face. I can't really stop smiling. I've had two girlfriends before, but I was always to pussy to ask them out-
I get my hair out of my face as I near school. I take a deep breath and walk in, I'm also arriving as the people on the bus are getting out. I see butters and my nervousness gets the best of me and I run down the hallway. My heart is beating out of its motherfucking chesstt- I lean against a locker and sigh, trying to be less nervous then I already am. I hope nothing goes wrong. I love that boy so much. Kyle goes up to me.
"Hey dude, butters looks a little upset right now.. can you try to cheer him up?" Yes! This is my chance to cheer him up by asking him to prom! I smile and go to find butters. He's at his locker. The closer I get to him the more I blush. He looks at me. Is he nervous? I set that aside and kiss his cheek. His expression turns sad. Shit.. what's happening? I take a deep breath, "butters.. I have something to ask you." "And I have something to tell you too. You can.. go first."
I smile, "okay! U-uhmm-.. soo you know how there's a prom this year?" Is it just me or does he look sadder now..? He nods. I continue, "would you- uhh.. want to go with me?" He just sighs and looks at me with sad eyes. I get concerned. Is he gonna turn me down..?

( My first day back at school was terrible, and so is this chapter lol)

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