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Back to south park..

Back to south park

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(Marjorines pov)

I wake up to the car stopping. We are back home.. my parents are already walking out, they haven't spoken to me the whole time. I know they don't even care, they only have me to be their personal maid. I wonder what it's like to have loving parents..
I sigh and grab my things, I'm about to go upstairs when my dad calls me into the living room. "What?" "Your starting school again, we don't want you to fail."
I know there's no room for me to argue, so I nod and walk upstairs. To my room I haven't seen in almost 2 years. I'm too tired to unpack right now, so I just lay down on my bed and go to text the group chat with Bradley Pete and Riley.

Gay idiots

Are you guys in south park yet?

I am, this place barley fucking

I'm with my bf 😭

Ofc you are Pete. It's Mike right?

Well duh, he's so loyal 🤭

I think about that. I wish Kenny was like that. Pete's lucky Mike waited for him.. but they were probably still in contact. Everyone in school probably thinks I'm dead or something- I start to type again.

Bradley, are you gonna be going
To school tomorrow?

I will if you do ♥️


Yeah my parents are forcing me
Wbu Pete?

I need some fucking time to

Even process this shit 😭

Well we will see eachother soon :3

Can't fucking wait 🙇

It makes me feel better texting them, hm.. I wonder if I should go to school as a girl.. should I tell people I'm butters? They might know by my voice, but for the past 2 months I've been practicing to sound more "feminine" so maybe I can actually pass? We will see tomorrow. Shit. I still have to tell Bradley I'm trans, he will question me. I'll call him.
I call him. He answers, "hey!! I missed you" he says and my heart flutters. "Hey Bradley.. I have something to tell you.." I bite my lip.

Oh? Okay.. go ahead in listening" he says. "Well.." I start, "I'm trans, and I knew for a while now, I've been experimenting with makeup, my voice, and clothes.. are you okay with that?" He is silent for a second but then speaks, "of course I'm okay with that, I love and support you either way!"
I smile, he's so sweet.. "thanks, cause I'm planning on going to school and telling everyone I'm a girl, hopefully they won't know I used to be butters.." "what name will you go by?" Bradley asks. "Marjorine" "that's a beautiful name.." he says sweetly, "I'll make sure I use your name and pronouns. I think your new name is beautiful, marjorine"
I blush at his words, thank God he can't see me. "Thanks Bradley.." he speaks up again, "your actually a beautiful girl.. you know that?" I giggle, feeling happy about his compliments. "Well, could I.." he sounds nervous. "What?" I ask when he doesn't speak. "Could I call you my.. official girlfriend?" My face heats up even more, "o- oh.. yeah of course! I'm okay with it." I hear him let out a breath, "thank God. I get to be with an amazing girl like you.."


(But that may not be for long..)

The next morning I wake up to my loud alarm clock. "TURN THAT OFF BUTTERS ITS ANNOYING!!" My dad screams. I sigh and turn it off. What a great way to start my day.. this is one thing I didn't miss being at that camp, my parents.
I get changed into a dress, but I tuck it into baggy jeans so my parents won't notice and tie a jacket around my waist. I'll take the pants off at school.. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I don't look that bad.. I want makeup though. How would I do it without my parents noticing..? I won't talk to them this morning. I don't think they will care enough anyway. Luckily Riley taught me how to do this, and gave me some makeup.
I put on what she calls "natural makeup" and I actually did a decent job.. I do nothing with my chest though, I mean, I'm like.. 75% okay with just being flat. Many girls are, not in a rude way though.. I think I might pass. I practice sounding like a girl for a little and I get a little more confident.
But I'm not 100% confident in myself.. I'll never be a real girl. It makes me feel sick that I won't.. I don't feel normal, even though being trans isn't even a bad thing. It's just hard.. I wish I was just born a girl. I'm just.. trapped.
I get my shit together and decide to send a picture to Riley.

Rileyyy X3

Heyy!! Do I look enough like a girl?

Yeah! You look great marjorine.
Have fun at school <3

You too!! <33

I smile, feeling a little more reassured and grab my things. Honestly, one part of me is really excited to go to school as a girl, and the other is nervous. I hope at least Bradley thinks I'm beautiful.. it'll make butterflies in my stomach if he calls me that..
I quickly walk out my room and down the stairs, praying my parents won't notice my makeup. They don't even pay attention to me as I walk out the door, I think its better that way.. I don't live that far from the school from what I remember, so I'll walk.


Shit I think I got lost.. I'm near a middle school, but I think I went the opposite direction. Shit. I should have taken the bus.. I start to run back in the opposite direction. I swear, I hope I'm not late.. I bump into someone and fall to the ground. "Fuck!" I hear someone say and I look up to see Kenny..

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now