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(marjorines pov)

It's my next day at school and I was invited to sit at the girls at lunch. It's cool because they are pretty inclusive! I see Bradley smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up. He's so supportive I love him.. hes sitting with the goth kids, Pete hasing gotten into school yet though, but I guess Bradley does have simallar style.
"Guys! I have an idea!" Bebe announces. We all look at her. Also, the little inclusive girl group consists of Heidi, Nichole, Wendy, red, and I guess me! Bebe is kind of the leader I see. It's not like they are mean to the other girls, but the Asian girls have their group, Rebecca and some other gifted kids sit together, there's the goth group, and some random ones. Does this mean.. I'm in the popular girl group? I never thought I would get to this level!!
"Okay so" bebe goes on, "what if we all go to my house and have a girl party? And then a sleepover!!" I smile at the thought of having a sleepover, but will my parents let me..? "I'll go for sure!" Heidi says. "Me too of course!! It's my best friends party anyway!!" "I can go too!" Red says. "Marjorine?" Heidi looks at me. "Oh!" I say, I was just too busy thinking about the fact that I could be a popular girl.. I know it sounds cheesy, but it makes me feel more accepted.. and they are so nice!! "of course!!" I say with a smile.
"Great!!" Bebe says, "I'll invite other people, I hope Henrietta can come" Nichole nods, "yeah she is pretty cool!"
I remember Henrietta, I think she was Pete's friend too. "It'll be a good treat for marjorine too!" Red says, "after what happened yesterday.. Damien and Cartman are jerks!!"
I smile. Wendy pats my back, "don't worry! Your accepted here!!"

(Time skip)

It's 4pm now, the sleepover starts at 5:00. I go up to my mom, "hey mom?" I say, she's more likely to let me to go other than my dad. "Hm?" She looks at me with a bored look. "Uhm.. can I go to a sleepover, almost the whole grade is going to be there!!" I lie about that, I don't want her to know I'm going to a girl's sleepover. She would question me. "Is there's drinks?" I shake my head, "girls?" I nod, "condoms?" I nod, why does she care if there's fucking condoms!? "Then go I don't care, stop bothering me." Jeez.
I walk up to my room and start packing. Should I come in pyjamas? I will, it's a sleepover! I pack just a backpack full of what I need and put on some hello kitty pyjama pants and a white sweater. I packed a nightgown just in case I got hot though. Honestly I really thank Riley for all these clothes and the makeup. I called her last night just thanking her.
Its 4:20 now, I should get going. But I don't know where the location is. Shit why didn't I think of that!? I text Heidi, since I have her number.


Heidi, I don't know where bebes
House is, can you give me a lift?

Of course! Just send me your
Address! I just started
Driving so I can pick you up.

Thanks Heidi!!

I send her the address and wait for her to get here. After 5 minutes I go up to my window I see a car pull up in the driveway. I run down the stairs and out the door. I see that it's Heidis car. She rolls down her widow, "hop in the back! Wendy is in here too!" I nod and go to the backseat. We drive to bebes house and end up being 3 minutes early.
Heidi and Wendy walk in hand in and and I follow behind them. Bebe and red are sitting
On the couch just talking. "Hey guys!" Bebe says, "the others should be here shortly!" I sit on a sofa chair and Wendy goes in the kitchen, "bebe do you have crackers?" She yells from the kitchen. "Wendy you always steal my food!" Bebe says. I laugh.
After 20 minutes Henrietta and Tammy show up. I guess that's all that wanted to come..
Tammy goes up to me, "nice to see you again!" I smile, "thanks!" You know, she is awfully pretty! The first time I've ever seen her was probably the worst though.. I keep remembering that stupid video. Fuck.. why can't I just get over Kenny!? I have Bradley, why can't I just be happy..

e are all in bebes room now, just talking and doing eachothers hair. Bebes mom opens the door, "hey girls! Sorry for not saying hi earlier, I was busy with work. Do you guys want food?"
When nobody answers bebe speaks up, "no thank you!" Bebes mom smiles, "well if you girls are just call me!" She closes the door. "I was hungry!!" Red says. "Why didn't you speak up-" bebe says. "Your mom is intimidating" bebe makes a confused face, "how?" "Well, when I was working and I was having trouble with my coworker she went over to Starbucks and had a yelling fight with him!" Wendy says. I sit there awkwardly.
"Yeah I guess she might be intimidating-" bebe says, "do you guys want to talk about boyysss??" Bebe says. My face heats up as I remember Bradley. "You think I do?" Wendy says sarcastically. Bebe rolls her eyes, "everyone knows your dating Heidi! I just want to talk about relationships, crushes!" Bebe says. Wendy and Heidi are dating? That's cute!

(No cliffhanger, but there's gonna be a part two of the sleepover!!)

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