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( I know some people told me to take a break, because of my mental health, but I feel deeply sorry for not posting!! (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) )

(Maybe this chapter will clear some confusion 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ)

(marjorines pov)

I'm in my closet, trying to find a really nice dress because I had asked Bradley out on a date at the park. I find a nice green dress and I go to do makeup. I check the time. Fuck.. I'm running later than I thought! It's probably because I had to do all my chores before getting ready. Naturally, I have all the chores in the house. If I do them all, my parents won't come in my room to scream at me to do all my chores and not see me there. I'm obviously not allowed on a date, so I need to sneak out..
I rarely sneak out, last time I scraped my knee and elbow doing it. That was 2 years ago after I had a fight with my parents. This is now. Let's hope I don't scrape my knee.. I jump fullspeed to the branch of a tree and actually make it, but I do scrape my hand. I sigh and get down.


I walk down the sidewalk and finally near the park. I see Bradley sitting on the bench and run up to him. He hugs me and kisses my cheek, "hey my love" I blush little, "should we go on the nature walk?" He smiles, "whatever you would like!" I smile back and grab his hand, running towards the nature walk. I slow down once we are on the path. He looks at me, "you like nature?" I nod and look at all the trees and flowers around. I will say, this place is really nice..
I look at him. His eyes shine in the sun perfectly.. his eyes are like Kenny.. what. What am I saying!? I decide to brush off the thought and keep walking. Bradley stops Infront of flowers and picks one. It's pink, and very pretty.. he gives it to me, "a pretty flower for a pretty girl?" He smiles sweetly. I giggle and take the flower. We continue to walk until I look over and see a stream, "look! It's pretty.." I say and walk towards it. I'm still holding his hand so he follows behind me, chuckling. "It is a nice little stream. I sit down Infront of it and he does the same.
"Y'know, your hair is really pretty in the light. It's like.. golden" I giggle and blush. We are in a perfect clearing right now, the trees are surrounding us but where the stream is, there's no trees above us. Yknow, I wonder what it'll be like if I was here with Kenny? Fuck. Why do I keep thinking of him!? I sigh and rest my head on Bradleys shoulder. He grabs me by the waist, pulling me in closer, "this is really nice.. being around all this beautiful nature, and the most beautiful girl.." is it weird that I'm not getting butterflies in my stomach because of his compliments anymore..?
I just smile and keep looking at the water flowing down the small little hill and down. It's pretty.. y'know whats ruining it? I keep thinking of Kenny. I made the wrong choice of being friends with him.. now it's trouble. Think of Bradley.. think of Bradley.. I kiss Bradleys cheek and try to keep my mind just on him. "I love you Bradley.." I say. He looks back at me with love in his eyes, "I love you too.. your my world, marjorine."
I feel sick. I get up and he gets up too, "you okay?" He asks and I smile and nod, "yep! I just want to walk again." He nods and smiles. We walk down the path again and I try to clear my mind. What's going on in my mind? Suddenly I'm thinking more of Kenny and being with Bradley doesn't feel the same.. it's super weird. I look at the ground and sigh. Bradley looks at me, "are you okay? You seem off today.."
I gulp, "yes I'm.. okay.." he cups my face with his hands, "you really don't seem okay right now. I see sadness in your eyes.." "no no I'm fine.. I promise!" Theres hesitance in my voice as I speak. "Sweetie, I really care about you. So, if I'm doing something wrong please tell me." He says. It breaks my heart that he feels like he's doing something wrong.. but now I keep thinking, could I be falling out of love..? That's crazy. I love him with all my heart. He's lovely, sweet, kind, caring..
I burst into tears and Bradleys eyes widen in worry, "marjorine? I'm sor-"
I run away, fuck fuck fuck.. I ruined our date. All he was, was nice to me!! I really don't deserve this man.. and now, I feel like a coward. He probably is super worried about me, which makes me feel worse about myself. Why. Why am I so confused!? I thought maybe transitioning would make me happier..
Apparently not as much.

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