sneaking in

307 11 10

(butters pov)

"You don't know how?" I say, confused it's pretty easy for me to fake stuff. I guess it may just come naturally to me. Or I just have lots of practice. He sighs, "well yeah, I don't. It's pretty hard for me. I just have such strong opinions.." I nod, "yeah I do too. Maybe it's just easier for me?" He shrugs, "I guess"
"Time to go back to your rooms! We will call you when lunch is ready, we will be doing another activity after lunch" Bradley groans and I laugh, "I'll see you at lunch?" He smiles but then pauses for a minute, "wait can you maybe sneak into my room so I can learn how to- fake it?" I hesitate, "what if we get caught..?" He shakes his head, "trust me we won't" I nod, and we get up from our seats and start walking out. I trust him cause he's been here for so long.
"There's a hallway with no cameras right there, we can take that route to get to my room" he whispers to me and points to the hallway, "okay.." I say and we start walking down the hallway. Did they forget the cameras or something? I shake off the thought. We walk into room "1" holy shit he has room one? It's probably because he's been here for so long..
I see a boy with red hair and black tips. He also has goth clothes. I recognize him, "Pete?' I say. He notices me, "oh it's.. butters right?" I look at him, "yeah. So this is why you disappeared huh?" He nods and rolls his eyes, "stupid homophobic assholes" then I remember something, "wait.. isn't the same gender not supposed to be in the same room?" Bradley and Pete look at each other nervously, "actually.." Pete says, "I'm a trans boy-" (disclaimer: I don't headcanon that, it's just for the story)
I look at him confused, "what's that?" Pete sighs, "it's like.. when you're born into the wrong body. So I was born a girl, but I mentally feel like a boy. It's like being trapped in a body that isn't yours. So yeah, that's what it is. I've always been a boy.. just in the wrong body" I nod and smile, "that makes sense" Pete laughs, "I wish it made sense to everyone else. These stupid homophobic and transphobic assholes still see me as a girl"
"So that's why you're in the same room as another boy?" I ask "yep" Bradley and Pete say. "Okay so.." Bradley says and sits on his bed "can you teach me how to.. fake it?" I nod and awkwardly sit down. Pete look at us two with a confused face, "what's going on?" Bradley looks at me then at Pete, "so you know how I've been here for almost 6 years?" Pete nods and Bradley keeps talking, "so basically, butters is really good at faking that he's "doing better" so he's gonna teach me how to do that!"
Pete nods and goes on his phone. I turn to Bradley and already see him looking at me. Is he staring? "Bradley?" His eyes widen, he looks away and bites nails nervously. "Sorry!!" I sigh, "okay, so to be able to fake it.. you need to be able to surpress your anger firstly. Like your anger towards this place" he nods, "how do I do that?" "Well I can try to say some stuff that make you mad, and all you have to do is smile and agree with it. Even if you don't"
He groans, "but that's so hardddd-"

-40 minutes later

"See? Your getting the hang of it!" I say and suddenly hear a knock on the door. "Oh shit.." Bradley mumbles. "Hide!" Pete says but it's too late, the guy that I saw at the office desk opens the door and immediately scowls, "Bradley! Are you sneaking the new boy to your room?! My office. All three of you." Bradley glances at me with a fearful look then he opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, "I'm sorry sir.. it was my fault! I snuck into their room. They had nothing to do with it!!"
He shakes his head at me now, "butters! Don't lie for him, he's done this before!! Office. All of you. Now!" He walks out and we walk to his office in silence.

"Bradley this is the 7th time your sneaking boys into your room and.. and you know what your doing!!" Bradleys face turns dark red and I look at him confused, "what? We didnt do anything..?" The man is still scowling, "I know exactly what you guys were doing. You.. you confused teens go around having sex with eachother! Butters, I'm very disappointed in you." Bradley stands up, "we didn't do anything!! Sir, butters didn't do anything!!" I look at him and mouth "no" he gets the message and sits down, I can see the annoyance in his face. Then Pete speaks up, "I was there, they didn't do anything"

(Tw: transphobia/ sexism)

He looks over at Pete now, "Alice, don't stand up for them. You've been here for 2 years and you have no place to talk. Also, I'm not gonna listen to a girl anyways." My eyes widen. Holy shit- just another reason to hate this place.. Pete looks a mix of anger and sadness, "I swear, they weren't doing anything!" He just scowled even more, "don't raise your voice at me! Know your place, alice. Young girls like you should just learn to shut up."
"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Pete screams

(So sorry for not posting I hope this chapter is good enough :( )

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