why have him when you can have me?

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(Bradleys pov)

I sit on a nearby bench while butters is admiring a bee pollinating a flower. I think just being out here is making me fall for him harder.. he sits in the grass and basically admires all the creatures in the flowers. Is he not scared to get stung? I chuckle. It's cute how he's memorized by the little things..
I can tell by his face that he's thinking. He looks at me, "I remember Kenny used to like flowers.." fuck. I shouldn't have taken him here.. "I can't believe that he broke his promise.. I promised him that I would be back!" I sigh, I need to comfort him.. "maybe he thought you broke your promise?" He frowns. I shouldn't have said that..
"Come here.." speak gently and open my arms for a hug.
He sits next to me and I wrap my arms around him, "it's gonna be okay butters.." I can tell he's holding in tears. "You can let it out.. it's okay.." I say and he starts softly crying into my shoulder.

(Marjorines pov)

When I feel better I pull away from him, looking at the nature again. Hes really good at comforting people.. it's like magic. It's so peaceful here, just sitting here next to Bradley. I almost feel like kissing him.. I blush slightly at the thought. I look over at Bradley, he's gotten way better looking these past 2 years.. goddamn.. his hair is so dirty blonde it's almost brown, and I like how curly and fluffy it is.. and the fact it falls in front of his face perfectly.. it's also slightly longer in the back. I also love his green eyes with hints of rose gold in them, they look magical.
He still wears his oversized jeans or khakis, but oversized jeans are better so- he wears sanrio shirts like I do, but instead of cutesy it's goth. And he paints his nails black. He definitely gets some of his style from Pete, it's obvious. But goths are hot.
(I'm making Bradley the best looking character in this story mayyybee because someone in my past chapter said that he sounds hot- so I can just say that Bradley is the best looking in this story)

I catch myself staring at him, I look back at the flowers and my face heats up. He chuckles, "I saw you staring.." I bite my lip nervously. "You know I was thinking.." Bradley says, "why worry about that cheater when you have me.. I can help you get over him easily.." I can't help but smile, "yeah.. you are kind of right.." I feel his hand brush over mine, I blush furiously. I can't help it. I take his hand and look at him, he was already looking at me..
There's so much love in his eyes.. I can see it. I stare down at his lips, they look so kissable goddamnit.. this man might be even more perfect than Kenny. I need to give him a chance.

I lean in and kiss him, he wraps his arms around me.

But it just doesn't feel right..

(Kenny's pov)

I stare in the mirror and see how skinny I have gotten exactly.. I rarely even find the motivation to eat. And yes, I'm used to being skinny. But not this skinny.. holy shit.

(Tw: sh)

(Also did y'all notice I took the fanon goth Stan and turned it to Kenny 🫨)

There's scars that I've made all over where I used to have muscle. I used to actually have some. I did it because I was disappointed in myself.. disappointed that I lost the muscle. The scars are pretty bad too. I hate them. But I can't just stop it that easily.. Tammy had a breakdown when she saw them.. I felt bad. I genuinely care about Tammy. The only person who's cared about me like she has is butters.
I'm thinking of him again. I know he won't come back though.. tammy walks in and sighs, "Kenny.. come here." She opens her arms and I walk over. She hugs me. I can't cry though. I've gotten so used to being sad that tears won't fall, only when I genuinely feel terrible. Then it hurts. The only real way I can feel something is harming myself and having sex.. and it's bad. A bad habit.. "Tammy I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused you.." I say as she hugs me. She cups my face in her hands. "Kenny, it's okay. I'm happy to comfort you, and it makes me happier when you smile. It actually makes my day. Actually, it just makes me feel complete. It's okay to feel bad, just know I'll always be here for you."
I smile slightly, shes good at making me feel better. But I can't help but feel sick when I see all the love in her eyes.. I can learn to love her, I want to now. I need someone like her in my life, I would have been dead without her.

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now