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(butters pov)

I sigh as I walk out of the office, feeling almost defeated. I don't wanna change rooms.. they said we could skip today's classes to pack and "get settled in our new rooms" I walk into my room and slowly close the door behind me, Riley isn't here. Probably in her class right now. I'm gonna leave a note for her. I take out a piece of paper and write,

Riley, the head counselor is making me change rooms with Pete right now because apparently I've been caught trying to look more like a girl, and they OBVIOUSLY don't want that. And also I guess the same applies for Pete (I don't know why they are doing this just now). So I just wanted to let you know. I'll miss you a lot, and I'll miss how you always seem to transform me into a real looking girl :(. Also, I think I want to go by "marjorine" just don't tell anybody this, of course.

-butters (or marjorine >:) )

Okay, I wrote the 'marjorine' part because Riley had asked me this morning what name I would want to go by. Then we were picking out random names, it all went down to "marjorine" or "Blair" and I picked marjorine. It's a cute name! I place the note on Riley's bed.
I continue to pack up my stuff, it's a little hard cause I've been here for a year and decor is put up. I manage to get the decore down in an hour, cause I had my LEDs, posters and some other stuff. Then I pack the stuff in my closet and from the bathroom. When I'm finally finished I take a make-up bag that Riley had been using for me, she doesn't use it herself so I hope she doesn't mind.. I stuff it in my bag and text Pete.


Hey how's the packing going?

I've been done, just waiting
For you 😀

I just finished -_- do we just-
Go into eachothers rooms now?


I guess so?

They just left us confused- let's
Change rooms now ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌

Tell Bradley I'll miss his dumb

I will (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

(I literally headcannon that butters/ marjorine would text with emoticons 😭)

I put my phone in my pocket and walk towards room 1, the new room I guess I'll get. And I'll be sharing with Bradley, someone who supposedly has a crush on me.. jeez. At least he knows I'm taken? I pass Pete in the hall, "sorry that I caused this" I say. He shakes his head, "no we both had something to do with it! It's fine butters" I smile and walk into room 1..

(Pete's pov)

I walk into the room I have to stay in. But hey, on the plus side me and Riley both like red and black. I see cause of the posters on her wall. This place is so fucking stupid. I hate it more than Bradley does and that's saying something.
I mean, they can't just kick me out now! I've really been trying to look like a boy since I was in.. fucking 4th grade. My parents hated it but I just rebelled.. until they found out about this stupid camp. I miss Mike. I go to the obviously bare side of the room and just put my bags down. I check the time, 2:00. The classes should have ended right about now.
I look over at Riley's bed and see a note. Curious, I decide to look at it.


So butters is trans. I fucking knew it. I know I probably shouldn't have read that though..
I hear the door click open and Riley walks in, "Pete?! What happened to butters?" I look at her blankly, "uh, read this note?" I hand her the note and prey she doesn't scream at me for reading it. She looks at me, "Pete why would you read this.." I sigh, "so uh- I saw it on your bed and got curious?" She shakes her head, "so you just saw this note and decided to read it?"
"Look I'm sorry okay? I mean, as a trans person I already assumed that she might be trans, so BIG DEAL-" "no big deal?! Butters- or, marjorine didn't want to come out yet!! It doesn't matter if your trans or already knew, if she didn't tell you shes obviously not ready to tell you. Also you shouldn't read a not that's on my bed, stay in your business Pete!" I look down at my hands and then at Riley, "I mean, I get curious sometimes. And who cares if I now know she's trans?! What's the big deal, Im just making it easier now. She doesn't have to come out to me anymore?"
She just looks at me with her eyes all wide. "What?" I say. She takes a deep breath, "I thought that someone who knew her struggles you would be more understanding Pete.."

(Drama ƪ⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠)⁠ʃ )

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