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(marjorines pov)

I walk out of class hand and hand with Bradley. "I'll see you later" I smile and kiss his cheek. I see his face turn pink and I giggle. "See you.." he says and I walk towards my locker. I open my locker to put some books away, my first period teacher gave me books I needed for his class. I have gym next.. definitely scared of that.
I feel someone behind me and I glace over to just see Kenny behind me. Is he staring? I get my stuff out of my locker quickly I and turn around, "are you staring?" He makes a confused face, "no I have the locker below yours." My face heats up in embarrassment, "right.." I dart towards the gym, not wanting to embarrass myself further.
Oh shit, I don't have a uniform yet.. I go up to the gym coach who's still waiting for people to get in the changing rooms and change, "uh.. excuse me?" I say in a quiet voice and she looks at me. "What?" I forgot how scary her voice was for a second.. "uhmm" I say, "I don't have my gym clothes yet.." curse my parents for sending me to school unprepared. "Get some spare ones from the locker room they are in the cabinet, you are not skipping gym young lady.
I can't help but smile when she called me a lady, "okay" I say. I walk towards the locker rooms. Now I'm stuck.. which one will I go in..? if I go in the boys changing rooms I'm outing myself and everyone thinks I'm a cisgender girl, and if I change Infront of people in the girls changing rooms I'm also gonna out myself.. no.. I can maybe hide so I don't change in front of them.. yeah I'll go that.
I walk into the girls changing room and a few girls are in there. I guess some of them are still getting here or are stuck in classes.
I go to the closet and get a uniform I think is gonna fit me. Holy shit the shorts are really short.. I'll just wear the sweatpants. I get changed behind the lockers, feeling very weird changing in school, when I was a freshman I didn't have to do that.. (ik I might have said junior before, but it's different in where I live?? Not sure! I'll try to correct myself from now on :))
I walk out from where I was changing and see a bunch of girls now in here. Nichole? I think her names Nichole.. she looks at me, "oh look guys it's the new girl! Marjorine right?" The girls look at me and I stand there nervously.
Bebe goes up to me, "oh my God your hair is so cute!! But why are you wearing sweatpants?" "Cause I want to.." I say nervously. "Is it cause your flat? Dont worry we don't judge!" Wendy goes up to me now, "bebe don't say that it's rude! Sorry marjorine, she sometimes says the wrong thing, welcome to the girl squad!" I get that smile that I can't control anymore. I thought I would never pass but look at me!
The coach call us in the gym and all of us walk in, all of the boys are already there. I just stand next to Wendy and Heidi, they were always known as the nicest girls in school.
The gym coach instructs is that we are gonna be doing dogeball. Of course! Most people hate dogeball but I love it. We get split up be girls and boys and I still have that stupid smile on me as I go to the girls side. I think it's called gender euphoria? Hm..
As the game starts I hear Cartman scream, "target the new girl!" Of course he said that! I have to just try harder. Most of the boys ignore him but Damien, and some other boys help him. "You boys are such bitches why are you targeting Marjorine?!" Red says as she throws a ball. "You guys are the bitches!!" Cartman yells and one of Damiens balls hits me square in the nose. I scream and feel blood rush out. The gym goes silent.  "GAME OFF!! DAMIEN AND CARTMAN OVER HERE!!" the coach yells, "someone take her to the nurse!" Kenny and Bradley pipe up to take me.
Seriously.. I want to crawl in a hole and die now. "I'm her boyfriend just let me take her"  a girl with brown hair and yellow streaks beats them to it I guess, "hi. I'm Tammy, I'll just help and take you" isn't that Kenny's girlfriend? I recognize her.. I just smile, "okay, thanks." She walks me to the nurse while I hold tissues up to my nose. "Why do you think Kenny-.. nevermind.." she says. I look at her, "he helped me once this morning cause I was lost, but I don't know what his deal is.." she looks confused, "oh.. okay then"
We walk into the nurse and the nurse looks at my nose, "it's broken, I'll call your pare-" she eyes me as my eyes widen and I probably look freaked out. I don't want my parents to see me. "You don't want me to or..?" I nod, "can I just have like.. my boyfriend Bradley take me?" She sighs, "I mean.. I guess. I guess.. but it will be taking time out of his day.." "he will be fine with it!" I say and she nods, "fine, I'll call him in"
She calls Bradley on the intercom and after 2 minutes he walks in, "yeah?" "Are you okay with driving marjorine here to the hospital? She has a broken nose and her parents can't take her."
I'm so thankful for this Doctors kindness.. he smiles and nods, "of course I can!" (Another thing I see myself confusing people on is in the schools in my area the school nurses aren't all that good so if we get a real injury we have to go to the hospital, just to clear some confusion that could be there!!)
He takes me in his car and I keep holding my nose. It hurts.. "I'm sorry those boys were targeting you, they are assholes." Bradley says and ruffles my hair. "They are.. I didn't expect Damien to hit me that hard!" He nods, "they are just stupid, but it sucks this happened to you on your first day. I hope they get suspended." He then looks at me, "wasn't it your douchy ex that was trying to help you?" I nod slowly, "he helped me get to school this morning cause I was lost, but I don't know what his deal is now. Does he think he's entitled? I mean.. he barley knows 'marjorine'"
Bradley nods, "yep, I mean it might be because your pretty. What big wouldn't be crazy over you?" I blush and giggle at his words again. He really makes me feel better..

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