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(marjorines pov)

I wake up to Bradley shaking me. I sit up and groan, rubbing my eyes "what time is it.." I sound sleepy. "Seven, but that doesn't matter.. butters I hear sirens." "Sirens?" I ask and he nods, "listen" I go quiet and try to listen and without a doubt there are sirens outside. "Our camp is basically in the middle of nowhere.." Bradley says. I look at him, "could that mean.." Bradley smiles, "maybe! Holy shit.."
We stay deadly silent, trying to listen. And without a doubt it's coming way closer. After two minutes the sirens seem to be right in front and I have to cover my ears, I hear voices outside. "Let's check it out" Bradley says and takes my hand. I blush, "okay" 
He doesn't even care to take me through the hall with no cameras, probably cause getting there quickly is more important. We go outside and a bunch of other kids are looking, we go to a place we can see and see Gary, the head guy talking to police officers.

"I think you got it all wrong! We are an innocent camp that is just trying to show kids the way of God!" Sure.

"Mhm.." an officer says, "no, I don't think so. We had reports that you verbally, sexually, and physically abused minors here? That's a crime." My eyes widen, sexually? Physically? Is that why Pete never tells us what happens when he stays in the office..? Oh no..

"We would never do that! We just try to help kids not be a bunch of fags and tr@nnys! Doing gods work." Gary says and smiles, the fakest smile I've seen from this man.

The officer shakes his head, "we have reports from parents, students here, and counselors! Do you really want to lie at this point?"

He just sighs, "if you're against our ways you need God too. God bless you guys." That was probably the wrong thing to say to a police officer.

"Your coming with us" the police officer and he hand cuffs Gary. He screams, "you can't do this! What about the kids?!" The rest of the police officers go and take counselor after counselor into police cars. I think I counted like 16? Holy shit. One of the police officers in talking to the two counselors me and Bradley came across yesterday.
"We thank you guys a bunch for calling the police, this damn place has been up for 8 years." The police says and me and Bradley looked at each other wide eyed, with a 'we did that' face. "Also, we are letting you two go. We had reports that students here actually liked you." The officer continues.
"That's great, thanks officer" Oscar says. I look down and see, aww.. they are holding hands. Then I noticed me and Bradley are holding hands still. My face heats up and I put my hand in my pocket. He smiles.. goddamnit his smile is cuter than anything.
Then I see that the main police officer is facing all of us now. "You kids are very strong to had been able to stay here, it was a bad place. We are making the counselors that we arrested pay for your guy's therapy. We are calling your parents and they will pick you guys up. We are obviously gonna stay here until all of your parents come, you kids need to stay safe"
Basically all of us cheer, I hug Bradley tight. Thank God.. thank God.. we get the remaining students that were still inside and the police explained what happened and that we will all be home soon. I can't wait to get out of this damn place..
We find Riley and Pete and even they are cheering with eachother. "Where do you guys live, Pete I know you live in south park so-" Pete smiles, "yep! The place is amazing" Bradley looks at me, "aren't you from south park too?" I nod, "yep! Wait you are too?" I ask Bradley.
"Yeah, I am. But I was obviously never there for 6 years cause I was here for 6 years!" I smile. We look at Riley. "What about you?" I ask. "I'm from Mississippi." She says sadly, "I'll miss you guys.." my heart sinks. She probably feels left out.. I hug her and then Bradley does. Pete just stands there awkwardly with his arms crossed. "Cmon.." I say to Pete and he sighs. He joins the hug and it lasts a while. "At least I can contact you guys.." Riley says as the hug ends.
I smile reassuringly. "Yeah! That's good!" Bradley puts a hand on her shoulder, "hey, at least we don't have to be tortured here anymore!" Riley smiles, "yep.."
I turn to Pete, "hey Pete?" He looks up from this hands, "hm?" "Did they actually physically and sexually abuse people here..?" His eyes widens and he bites his lip. "They do.." he says quietly and I hug him, "I'm so sorry Pete. You don't deserve that.." "it's okay! I'm super excited to go home" he says. I chuckle softly, "well your face didn't show that-" he punches my shoulder playfully, "okayy!!"
Bradley laughs, "we did a good job surviving here!" "Agreed." Riley says. 


We are all sitting outside, now with our belongings. All of us are obviously just so exited to go home.. I see my dad and mom running up to me and the engulf me in a hug. I have to take it but I don't want it. Because I know they only are because they wanna seem like good parents Infront of the police. "Oh butters!" My dad says, "we are so sorry for taking you here! If we only knew what they did here, we would have taken you out immediately!!" They wouldn't. "I'm okay dad, mom.." I say and try not to puke.
"Let's get you out of here butters!" My mom says and they get away from the hug. I know those fake smiles anywhere..
I look towards my friends, they all hug me really tight. "I'll see you and Pete soon.." I say to Pete and Bradley. I turn to Riley, "I'll stay in contact with you, definitely! Call me everyday.." I hug her the longest then my parents take my to the car.

I look out the window at my friend's until the disappear in the distance..

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now