youth camp

358 11 13

(butters pov)

I look out the window, dreading what the camp will be like as we drive away from our house. We pass by the familiar buildings of south park, I could name the person that lives in every house we pass by. And after a short time, we start getting more distant from south park, the road being deserted, as well as no left over buildings. I look out the window behind me. The town gets smaller, and smaller.


After 35 minutes I see we are nearing an airport as I look up from my phone. I know damn well it isn't the south park airport though, we already drove away from south park. Maybe because this one is nicer? I don't know why they drove all the way over here. We come to a stop and my parents exit the car. I also do. "Okay butters, take your things" I do so. I take out two large suitcases and a back pack. I see they don't have their stuff, "wait.. where's your stuff? Aren't you going with me?" My dad shakes his head slowly, "no.. but your counselor is gonna take the flight with you!"
That makes me terribly uncomfortable.. we wait outside for a little while and then a man that looks like he's in his late 30s walks up to us. "Hey is this the stotch family?" "Yup!" My mom says. My anxiety gets a little higher. I'm going on a flight without my parents at the age of 15?! This is crazy.. my dad turns to me, "butters, you're gonna be okay. He's a good and responsible man, you'll be okay." I nod slightly. He hands me a card, "son, this has 10,000 on it. There is plenty of money you need, but I can see whatever you buy so If I see something bad you're in trouble." I put the card in my pocket and plaster on a smile, "okay dad!"
My parents engulf me into a hug and I just stand there awkwardly smiling.
They let go and wave as the counselor takes me into the airport.


I wake up to the counselor calling my name, "butters! We landed, come on" I rub my eyes as I see that people are walking off the plane. Guess I fell asleep. "Sorry about that aha.." I politely say and get up as the guy also does, I look at his name tag. Oscar, okay.. I follow Oscar out of the plane and grab my things from security, he does so too. I guess he's not from New York either. I wonder why the fuck my parents would leave me with some random man, do they seriously not care that much?
I sigh as we get out of security. He calls up a taxi and we start driving. To that dreadful camp.. this guy barely talked to me the whole 8 hours we were together. Maybe he's afraid of gays, I mean if he works for this camp his definitely homophobic. (Trust me this character is somewhat important)

I see out the window of a building with a sign that says "youth camp" on it. It has lots of flowers and religious stuff in front of it. Of course it's also a religious camp. I do believe in God, but I hate these types of Christians. The homophobic ones that shove religion down your throat. The taxi stops abruptly and I exit the taxi. It does smell good, I have to say that. Oscar walks me into the place and I'm greeted by a young woman at the front desk, "hi what's your name sweetie?" She smiles at me and I fake smile back, "I'm butters stotch. Nice to meet you.."
"Aww what a sweetheart, it's nice to meet you too. Here's your schedule and room key" she hands me a paper and a key. She points down a long hallway, "your in room 134 to the right! Have a nice stay here, we will make sure you fit in lovely!" I find this place unwelcomimg. They are acting so nice but I know what they are up to.. I smile and walk down the hallway, trying to find my room. I see the room, "134" and turn the lock. The room opens and it looks nice. But where's my roommate? I can tell what side she claimed cause there's posters of bands on one side of the room. The left side is empty.
I sit down on the bed and look around. There's also a tiny kitchen, this room kind of reminds me of one of those 3,000$ hotels. I see the bathroom door open and a girl with black hair with red streaks comes out in a tank top and baggy jeans. She jumps when she sees me, "oh! You must me my roommate.. you scared me there aha.." I laugh nervously, "sorry, my name is Leopold, but everyone calls me butters. What's your name?" She puts some of her hair behind her ear, "my names Riley, nice to meet you!"
I look at her with a more nervous expression, "so Uhm.. what is this place.. like?" She sits on her bed and sighs, "im new here so I don't know, all I know it's a homophobic place. Soo, what's your sexuality?" "I'm bisexual" I answer. She lays down on her bed, "I'm lesbian, got sent here cause my parents found out about my girlfriend" I nod, "same, my parents found out about my boyfriend" she looks at me, "guess we are in the same boat. Also, I like your hello kitty sweater!" I smile, genuinely this time, "thank you! So, Riley.. you wanna be friends?" "Sure"

(Kenny will be later in the chapters so PLEASE be patient with meee)

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