end it

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(make sure to fucking be emotionally ready for this chapter cause I know you guys were dreading this (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠))

(Bradleys pov)

I sit on the couch with a book in my hand. I've been trying to read this one page over and over but I keep thinking of marjorine and not comprehending the book. It's annoying. I sigh and put my book down. It's been 3 weeks since that date incident and we haven't been on one since. Now I'm less confused about why marjorine ran away.. lately, shes been so distant. And I don't think she means it, because I can see her trying. I still treat her the same I did when we first started dating.
At first, I thought I was doing something wrong so I started acting differently. That didn't work. When we first started dating she would get all red and nervous when I complimented her, it was super cute. Now, I'm lucky if she looks at me straight in the eyes without crying. I know whose eyes she's looking into without crying. Her friend Kenny.
Two days ago in particular she was very distant. I think she may have fallen out of love. I hate that thought, but.. I'm also sure of it, sadly. I sigh and start crying. I haven't cried as much as I have recently my whole fucking life. I feel ruined. Heartbroken cause that girl had my whole heart. And I'm not even mad at her for crushing it into pieces. Cause you know what? I don't think she means any of this. She's a pure, and amazing soul. I know she wouldn't hurt someone on purpose. And I also know because shes always crying and saying that she's sorry for being such a bad girlfriend.
I've never thought she was a bad girlfriend at all.
Even being with her was a gift. You don't find someone like her everyday. I also think she might be suffering. Staying in a relationship she doesn't want to be in, feeling like a terrible girlfriend, and.. and I just have empathy God fucking damnit. (Omg, I relate so much to Bradley cause of how much empathy he has. THE FACT THAT I LOOK LIKE HIM TOO? Guys I'm literally Bradley.)
For the better of both of us.. I think I have to end the relationship. And a month ago I thought we were gonna grow old together.. it's a scary thought of breaking up with this girl but I want her to be happy. And it's technically for me too. I can get over her. Now, I don't think Kenny really deserves marjorine. I mean, I see him as a little unloyal. But maybe I'm wrong. I want marjorine to be happy.
Why is it never about me? I don't know what's wrong with me, actually. I think I have too much empathy or something. But yeah, breaking up with her is also for me. I would rather see her happy than unhappy. And I know I can find someone.
How long have I been thinking? I look at my watch, 10:26. Geez, the amount of time I spend thinking of her is scary. Maybe I can change that by going to therapy after we break up..
I go to my room and into my bathroom trying not to think of her too much anymore. Hey, I forgot about Tammy for a second. We actually became friends. Shes a very sweet girl. Shes also like me if I'm honest, she a lot has empathy like me and she also gives gifts a lot. I do that too. I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror. I don't look as sad as I feel. Tammy said I had some kind of glow. I don't know what that means but I kind of understand it.
I go lay in bed and sigh.
If I think of marjorine I will cry. FUCK I thought of her.. I cover myself with the blanket and cry myself to sleep.

-morning, 7:00am

I wake up to the most annoying alarm. I didn't get that most sleep last night, I kept waking up and just thinking of things. Mainly marjorine, but also I was imagining her being with Kenny. I hope it won't be awkward between me and marjorine, I want to stay as friends. I can just lose her. Well, entirely.
When I'm done getting ready my mom hugs me goodbye and I walk out of the house. Today it's all dark clouds, of course.. today is the worst day. For weather, and because I'm breaking up with my favorite fucking person. I didn't even bring a thick enough jacket, it's cold out and now I'm shivering. I can't help but cry at all this unluckiness. My tears are cold and make me even colder.
I near school and sigh, I wipe my tears on my sleeve and there's a painful lump in my throat that I can't get rid of.
I need to just..

Get it over with.

I go to find marjorine and then I see her talking to Kenny and laughing. Being so pretty should be a curse. FUCK okay.. I need to stop. I tap on her shoulder and she jumps, spinning to look towards me. "Hey Bradley..!" She says and awkwardly smiles. Kenny shoves his hands in his pockets. I sigh, "m- marjorine can I talk to you..?"

(Omg guys I loved writing this chapter SOO much)

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