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(if sexism and transphobia triggers/ bothers you please just don't read this story, I really wouldn't want to trigger someone :( )

(Also this is gonna get more interesting around chapters 15-20. It's going to start off slow just for the plot, I'm sorry it's uninteresting right now 😥)

(butters pov)

"Uhm.." I say as I see the counselor. It's the older woman named Clara. "What are you guys doing back here!?" She demands. I look around nervously, no one's talking. I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry ma'am, we just wanted some fresh air!" She shakes her head and scowls, "I know what you guys wanted! You guys wanted to sneak out of lunch to.. God knows what you teens want to do."
There's no reason to protest.. but I seriously don't know what Bradley and Pete wanted.. all four of us walk into the office and we see gary, the head counselor here at the office. I open my mouth to speak but Bradley cuts me off, "listen, me and Pe-.." he sighs, "me and Alice were the ones to tell them to meet with us there" it feels so weird hearing that name.. Gary clears his throat, "thanks for being honest, but they are still in trouble." He turns towards me and Riley.
Now I speak up, "it won't happen again sir, I promise" he sighs, "you seem like a sweet boy, so I'm very disappointed in you." I look down, it's not like I hear that every day.. Pete then speaks up, "well sir, we told them to come to the garden because we wanted to ask them a question. You barley let the people here socialize with anyone else but with their roommate. Isn't that unfair?" Gary seems to scowl more at Pete, "young lady you've been getting in a lot of trouble. I advise that you don't talk back to me. Take advice from Riley"
I look over at Riley and she looks offended. But she keeps quiet. I can tell she will have a lot to say when we go back into our room.. Pete also looks offended, "are you guys just gonna let this guy be sexist and transphobic?! Fuck you all!!" My eyes widen. She's yelling at all of us now.. "Bradley, butters, and Riley you all can go now. I need to have a private discussion with Alice. Don't get into any more trouble, I don't want to tell your parents." I gulp when he brings up telling my parents, I can't let that happen..
"Let's go guys" I say when I see how pissed off Pete is. I stand up and leave, the others following behind me. People are already leaving to go to their rooms. Guess we missed lunch. I'm fucking starving too, but I have food in the mini fridge we have. Me and Riley walk back to our room, so does Bradley. We don't say a word. It's kind of awkward..
I feel bad for Pete. He's getting in a lot of trouble. Are his parents like mine? I sure hope not.. I bite my lip anxiously as we walk back into the room. Riley starts talking as soon as the door is closed, "that counselor is so sexist!! What the fuck??" I nod and walk towards the black mini fridge. "Like, how would we not go crazy if we are locked in a room all day and only go out to be told that God doesn't love us?!" She says as I grab some crackers and shut the door of the fridge, "it sucks here, but think about it this way, if we make it through this year without doing anything else bad then we get to go home."
She sighs, "well, most of the people here have been here for longer than a year" I sit on my bed and think, "well we just have to try harder. People might not like us for this, but what if we try being like the.. most suck up? Its really a good way.." she takes a cracker, "I know but.. it's hard. Especially since we are friends with Pete and Bradley." I nod, "right.. hey! Let's call them." She furrows her eyebrows, "we aren't aloud to call other people here.." "it's not like anyone will know-" I say. She smirks, "wow butters, your becoming less of a.. rule follower since the first day"
I laugh, "yeah, I think it's because I'm away from my parents." She takes out her phone, "let's call Bradley, I don't think we can call Pete" "oh, right.." I say with a bit of guilt for Pete. Bradley picks up, "hey? I was just about to call you guys" "oh?" Riley says, "why is that?" I hear a bit of nervousness in bradleys voice, "Uhm I had a question.. can butters hear me?" Riley looks at me with a confused face, "yeah he can.." I feel weird. Was it the he..? Fuck I need to know..
"Well, do you by any chance um.. have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Me and Riley look at eachother. Both confused. That's a weird question.. "Uhm.. yeah?" I say. "Oh. Okay!" Bradley says. There's an awkward silence.

-skip after the call so it's not all boring-

We end the call and now there is two things on my mind, my gender and the fact that Bradley wanted to know if I had a partner. It's just so random! Wait.. if I didn't then what would happen? "Riley?" I say. She looks towards me, "huh?" "Don't you think it's weird that Bradley asked if I have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Why do you think he asked that?" She laughs nervously, "I didn't want to break it to you, but maybe he likes you"
I sit up abruptly, "what?! There's no way." "Who just randomly asks that?" She has a point.. "yeah but, there could possibly be another reason" "maybe. But unlikely" she responds. I take this in. I kind of wish I didn't know this now..

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now