last goodbye.

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(butters pov)

The fact that he just asked me out to prom makes things worse. He looks so excited too.. his smile fades. He probably sees how fucking depressed I look. "Butters? Are you.. okay?" He reaches his hand up to my face put I push it away. "..Kenny I.." tears well up in my eyes, "I'm moving. I'm moving and my parents don't want us together! I.. I have t- to.." he looks shocked. He looks scared. "You have to.. break up with me..?" I nod and tears fall down my face. Kenny engulfs me into a hug and I cry into his chest.
I can barley fucking breathe right now.. "I don't wanna leave you.." I say in a quiet voice as Kenny rubs my back. I know he wants to cry too.
I wish I could tell him that I'm only gone for a year, that it's for a camp but.. trust me, it'll stress him out. And my parents told me not to. Also I know Kenny will be insisting that I escape, and I don't want that. But I swear, I'll come back and tell him everything. I pull out of the hug to face him, "I'll miss you, so much. I wish I could call you.. " he nods, tears also I his eyes. I give him a long kiss, then the first period bell rings.


I sit next to Kenny, who also sits next to his never changing friends, Kyle, Stan, and Cartman. Kenny holds me closer this time. I know he's scared for me to move away.. the rest of the freind group notices. Cartman rolls his eyes, "dude. Why are you two so depressed and shit right now?" "Butters is.." I cut Kenny off, "I'm moving away." Kyle and stan gasp and Cartman slumps into his seat. Stan looks at me, "moving? Like for good?" I lie, "I think so.." I look over at Kenny and see him crying. Again. He really doesn't want to go does he? It breaks my heart seeing him like this..
I take him aside and looks up at him worried, "it's okay Kenny.. breathe.." he nods and looks at me, a tear rolling down his cheek. I hug him, tight. He starts sobbing again, "I don't know what I'll do without you.. you know how shitty my life was until you came in it.." I rub his back, "I know.. itll be okay." I whisper in his ear, "I promise you, I'll be back. Just trust me.." he nods and continues to cry into my shoulder.
It breaks my heart seeing him this sad. It really does..

-end of school day

I've basically been depressed all class, dreading for class to end, wishing it were longer. Longer til I have to say goodbye to Kenny.. everyone leaves class but me. I slowly get out of my seat and pick up my books. I quickly put my stuff in my locker and frantically look around for Kenny. I spot him and instantly run and hug him. I just instantly start bawling my eyes out.. he hugs me tight and we stay that far what feels like hours, never wanting to let go of eachother for a second.
I look up at him and kiss him. I kiss him for a long time. When we finally pull away from the kids I say something, "I'll be back, like I said just trust me. Also.. promise you won't get with someone new? I wanna be with you forever.." I say softly. He smiles softly, "of course I won't. I can't live without you, butters.." I rest my head on his chest, "good.." we slowly pull away from eachother. I lean in and give him one.. last.. kiss..
"..bye Kenny, i-i really love you.. so m-much.." he sniffles, "I love you too. I trust you'll come back." I turn the other way and just run off, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to leave. I cry and cry as I run back home, I done normally do this. I normally take the bus but I can't think straight. But I'll only be gone for a year.. and before I know it I'll be back! I hope that's the case.. I wipe my tears on my sleeve and check how I look in my phone camera before I walk inside my house. My eyes are so red and puffy.. I need to fix that somehow.
Fuck, I don't know how. I slowly just walk in and my parents are in the living room. They look at me as I walk in. "Hey butters? How was your last day at school here for a while?" I fake a smile, "great! I said bye to all my friends!" My dad smiles back, "good! Also we found out more about the camp youll be staying at!" I controll the urge to roll my eyes and sit on a chair. My dad looks at me, "so you'll obviously be put in a room with a person of the opposite sex, I know it's different than normal. They just dont want the boys and girls.. doing that. Second, they also teach school stuff there, since it's basically the end of the school year you'll have 4 months to settle in the camp and you'll finish 10th grade and will be fixed! Isnt that great?"
I take a deep breath, "yeah.. perfect dad!" My mom pitches in, "okay son, get all packed for a year! We are leaving tomorrow." I instantly leave, holding even more tears as I walk slowly up the stairs to my room. I want Kenny. I need Kenny. He actually makes me happier than I've ever been in my fucking life. And I also hate the fact I have to act like some perfect child Infront of my parents.. I'll have to act like that there too huh? At least I'll most likely meet some cool people there.
I slump down on my bed, still hating everything in my life.

(Butters/ marjorine chapters will naturally be longer than Kenny chapters. Also more povs will be hers because shes the main character in this story unlike the other times)

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