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(marjorines pov)

"Well cly-" bebe starts but red interrupts her, "bebe you always talk about clyde." Bebe blushes, "I do not!! He's just the perfect boyfriend.." "that proves reds point" wendy says. I've been silent most of the time. I mean, I'm just joining this group when they are already super close and have memories.. I feel out of place, left out.
"Enough about bebe being obsessed with Clyde! I want to hear if marjorine has a boyfriend! Mainly because of what happened yesterday.." wendy says. I look up at her, "what does that have to do with having a boyfriend?" "You had a weirdo drooling over you, the depressed poor kid with blonde hair, you could fucking see how perverted that boy is when he's around you." Bebe says. Guess they don't like Kenny. I look over at Tammy who also wasn't talking and she looks uncomfortable. Henrietta walks out of the bathroom, "I heard we are talking about boys? I have Intel on lots of boys from school, y'know it really helps to have firkle as a friend.." we look at her and she sits down.
"Well marjorine sadly has.. Kenny drooling over her. What info do you have?" "STOP!!" Tammy yells. We all look at her. "KENNY IS MY BOYFRIEND!! HE DOESN'T LIKE MARJORINE!!" "Oh god Tammy!" Heidi says in a rushed and worried voice, "we are so sorry, it was just a rumor!" Tammy doesn't respond and just leaves. I wanna follow after her.. "Tammy!!" I scream but she didn't come back. "Fuck." Bebe says, "I didnt mean it.." Nichole hugs her, "we know you didn't! Sometimes you can just say the wrong things, it's okay!"
Bebe looks at me, "were you uncomfortable that I was talking about that?" I blush for whatever reason, "kinda.. I do have a boyfriend.."
"SPILL" red says and all the girls look at me, instead of Henrietta who's just looking at her black painted nails. I blush, "well.. he's like- DEADLY handsome.." "who is it!?" Bebe says curiously. "Bradley!" Wendy makes a confused face, "didn't he just get back from a gay camp?" Since Wendy and Heidi are dating I feel safe to say this, "we met in that camp.. he's pansexual! I'm bi" that's not a lie though.
"That's so cute!" Heidi says. Bebe smiles at me, "A pretty girl with a handsome boy? Now THATS a power couple!" I smile, being called pretty by a girl feels good. "He's the sweetest boy in the world!!" I say and giggle. "That's super adorable marjorine!" Red says. "If he hurts you I twist his arm and break his skull." Henrietta says. I laugh, "you won't need to be doing that!!"
Bebe then looks at red, "you dating Kevin yet?" Red blushes and we not turn our attention towards her. I do feel really accepted here.. "fine, I'll tell you guys! We started dating yesterday!" "Finally!!" Nichole says. Heidi hugs red, "good job! You guys are so cute together!!" I smile, "that is really cute I would like to meet him!" I say. "Of course!" Red says, "your a member of the girls gang now!!" I smile wide. Girls gang..
We talk about random stuff until it gets really late. "Let's watch a horror movie!!" Henrietta suggests. "Yeah!" All the girls say. I don't really know if I want to but.. it's fine. Me bebe and Henrietta sit on the bed, Heidi and Wendy in bebes beanbag chair. And red and Nichole are sitting on the fluffy carpet. Bebe goes to get some popcorn and we all get comfortable. She gives us bowls of popcorn and plays a horror movie.
Of course it has to be based on a true story.. I watch the movie with all of them, slightly clinging to bebe at some parts.
I think I'm gonna get nightmares.. yikes. The movie ends and red and Nichole were laughing, "I almost pissed my pants!!" Red says. Bebe laughs, "I think Marjorie almost did too!" I giggle and cross my arms.
"We should get ready for bed, it's 11" Heidi says. "Yeah your right, I NEED to get this makeup off-" bebe says and she opens the bathroom it's big so it can fit two people at a time, so lets get ready quick." We nod and they all get ready, brushing their teeth and washing off their makeup. Bebe looks at me, "you can get ready now!"
I look up, "i- I look bad without makeup.." I say. "Nonsense! I bet you don't, and even if you do we won't make fun of you! Your our friend marjorine" Wendy says and the rest of the girls nod. I smile, feeling accepted and wash my face and brush my teeth. They put a facemask on me and eachother. "It feels wierd-" I say. "Have you never done a face mask?" Nichole asks. I shake my head. "I didn't expect that, I thought you had a whole skincare routine with that porcelain face of yours!" I blush. Porcelain? Does that mean my face looks good..? I smile wide at the compliment.
I feel like I finally fit in. This was what was missing in my life, I feel like a real girl.. we are all laughing with eachother and joking. I take off my face mask after 20 minutes and look at myself in the mirror. Those girls can really give you a confidence boost. They complimented my hair. Now I guess I don't look that bad..

Something is still missing.

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