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(bradleys pov)

"I hate how sexist and transphobic these assholes are!" Pete says as he storms into the room and collapses on his bed. I look at him from my phone, "what happened this time?" He sighs, "I just keep getting called a girl.." I sigh, "it's okay Pete, just remember to.. not take out your anger like butters said" he sighs, "butters is kind of a pushover." I cross my arms, "no! Butters is sweet."
Pete then looks at me skeptically, "you know, you seem to really like butters." My face heats up, "what?? No!" Pete laughs, "well, you usually never make friends here. And oddly, your good friends with butters" I think for a moment. That kissing thing did feel different to me.. HOLY SHIT. I look at Pete, "your not saying.." he sighs, "Bradley, you've snuck boys in here multiple times before and.. you know. But I see the way you look at butters"
"But I just met him!" I protest. "Still, you could have a crush on this boy" I think for a moment, looking down at the floor. "Maybe.. but I don't just want to assume shit." Pete laughs, "you gotta admit, he's a pretty cute boy" I look at him as my cheeks heat up again, "Pete you have a boyfriend!!" He rolls his eyes, "I'm just saying. Don't worry, Mike will always be the cutest" I snicker as something comes to mind, "if he heard you say that I wonder what he would do to you-" Pete turns red, "OKAY OKAYY!!!!" I laugh, "I remember when you first came here the bite marks were so hard to miss!!"
Pete crosses his arms, "at least I haven't fucked half the boys here. Bradley your fucking 16" I smile, "16 and already lost my virginity. Sounds great" Pete rolls his eyes, "your hormones are definitely stronger than most boys" and then he laughs. "I mean, I'm a 16 year old gay boy that has been in a camp that doesn't allow relationships and I've been touched starved for 5 years. It's only natura-" Pete cuts me off, "okay! I don't want details about your stupid underage sex. What's next, are you gonna fuck butters?"
I blush again, "he looks too innocent, also what if he's taken? I barley talked to him this past month"  "exactly, get to know him. Sit with him at lunch with me!" I think for a moment, "okay then."

(Butters pov)

I look at myself in the full length mirror after Riley supposedly, "gives me a glow up". Woah.. I widen my eyes in shock, I look like a motherfucking girl. I look at my light makeup. She did a good job.. "so, what do you think?" I smile wide, "Riley I fucking love it!!" I feel more happy looking at myself now. It feels.. right. Riley smiles, "good, but it's 11:23" she says as she looks at her phone, probably for the time. "We should probably get this off you before lunch" I nod, "yeah.." I feel a bit disappointed taking this off, could I really be trans? I need to experiment more with that.
We take off my makeup and take off the bra and tissues, I do keep my clothes on though. She let me borrow her jeans. I fix my hair back into its normal, kind of messy style. I will say, I felt a little better when I looked more like a girl I will admit.. I still don't fully understand what trans is, but all I know is that something about me feels weird.
We watch tik tok on Riley's bed until we get called to lunch. "Cmon" she says and we walk out of the room. I look down at the floor, my mind still spiraling with thoughts. Riley pats my back, "it's gonna be okay. Cmon, just know that I support you fully" she whispers that as we walk into the lunchroom. I bite my lip and we sit at a table in the back, we also have assigned tables at lunch. There's a counselor at every table so, "bad things don't happen". This camp is very protective..
I get a text from Snapchat and open it, it's Bradley? He doesn't normally text me, it's only to rant about how bad this camp is, I open the text.

(Ik Snapchat doesn't have this format but bare with me 🙁)


You wanna sneak out of
The lunch room and meet
With me and Pete at the
Backyard area?

Bradley, I haven't even gotten
My food yet. And why??

Idk. I'm just so bored rn

What if we get in trouble again?

It's fine, me and Pete always
Sneak out.

Okay, but can I get my food

Okay :3

I'm easily persuaded to do things, so of course I agreed. At this camp, we are given some salads or healthy meals and then we have to pray. Riley, is an atheist. She always tells me how disrespectful people are here and I agree, even if Im still Christian. We get our food and I turn to Riley, "Bradley and Pete want to meet up, you wanna come?" I make sure to say it as quietly as possible so other don't hear. She nods, "yeah I was getting bored, but how?"
I freeze, "uhh- I don't know." "Wait I have an idea. Come on" she gets up and I follow. She goes up to one of the counselors, "hey I forgot to take my meds, can I go back into my room so I can take them?" "Yeah but someone needs to take you" the counselor says then looks at me, "how about butters takes you?" I smile. "Okay!" Riley says and she immediately takes my hand, going in the direction towards our room.
When we are out of sight I lead her towards the backyard where the garden is, and Bradley and Pete are standing there. "Hey guys!" I say and I see Pete and Bradley staring at us with dismay in their eyes. "Huh?" I say and Pete points to someone behind me and Riley, I turn around and see a counselor behind us. Guess we blew our cover..?

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now