counselors aren't as straight as they seem..

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(yk just by the TITLE. It'll be an interesting one.)

(Marjorines pov)

The tension definitely broke mostly between me and Bradley, but I know he can see how hurt I am from the post still.. I stare at the wall while zoned out, not noticing Bradley was calling my name, when I noticed I look over at him and see his face close to mine I jump and scooch back nervously, blushing tremendously. He chuckles, "sorry for that but I've been calling your name for a while!" I look down at my hands, "s- sorry about that" he pats my back "it's fine!"
Then I see him fidgeting with his hands nervously. I look at him curiously, "so what is it?" He puts a hand on my shoulder, "is this okay?" I nod. "Well I've noticed that you still seem to be very upset.. are you okay? Like seriously.." I shake my head, realizing how bad I actually felt after Bradley asked. He gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay.. I'm here for you, and trust me when I say I'll wait my whole life for you to make your mind if you want to be with me or not.."
I smile, "thanks Bradley.." "do you wanna go to the garden and meet up with Riley and Pete? It's the weekend and they should allow us, if we get in trouble it's not that big of a deal. We always do.." I nod, "I would like that, let's go to their room and ask!" "Yeah but we have to take the route where there's the hall with no cameras, we aren't supposed to go into other rooms" Bradley says. I get up, "right. Let's go!"
We walk out of the room and as we are walking we hear people in the hall, "shh.. be quiet" Bradley says in a whisper and we walk slowly.
We come across something alright..

The counselor that's probably my favorite, Oscar (the one she was with in the very beginning) and another male counselor were kissing, the other counselor had his shirt unbuttoned. Oscar pulling the other into the room..

That's why there's no cameras?

"So that's why there's no cameras?" Bradley says sarcastically. I look at him like he just lost his mind. They both stare at us like they just saw a ghost, "what are you doing out of your rooms?!" Oscar says. Im about to speak but Bradley beats me to it, "if you won't tell me won't tell." The other counselor clears his throat, his face obviously flushed, "got it. Just.. act like you didn't see anything." I decide to speak, "I have a question for you both."
Oscar takes a deep breath, "go on.." "well, now we know you guys are definitely a little gay, why are you working here? It's a homophobic camp teaching kids to just not be gay. Don't you think it's cruel?" The other counselor speaks up, "well, our parents were disappointed in us and they just forced us to work here.. trust us we hate working here. We get you kids.."
"Why can't you just do what you want? Who cares what your parents think, do what you want." I say simply. They look at eachother, "your pretty smart kid." "I'm not a kid I'm 17." I say and cross my arms. Oscar chuckles, "okay run along, forget this." "Right" Bradley says and grabs my hand. He drags me towards Riley and Petes room.

(Riley's pov)

I'm just peacefully scrolling through my phone when I hear "what the fuck Riley." From Pete. "What now?" I ask annoyed. We have been arguing a lot, it's mostly Pete's fault. You would expect since we both have similar interests that we would get along, but Pete's an asshole sometimes. "Why would you post this?!" Pete shows me the joke post I made. "Oh that?" I ask and laugh, "it's a joke." He crosses his arm, "well I don't like it." "Okay, if your not comfortable I'll take it down" I reach for my phone.
"I'm not EMO. I am GOTH." he says with a bit of anger in his voice, "who cares?" I say and take out my phone to remove the video. "I do. Emos are stupid ass conformists." I roll my eyes, "are you seriously angry about that?" I ask and laugh. "Yes! Emos can go hang. They want to anyway.." he mumbles. "That's a little far Pete. It's just a fucking style, who cares?" I ask with annoyance and confusion, why does he care so much? "Well I thought you were goth and would understand.." he says, I can't help but laugh, "understand? About a style? Please. Enlighten me" I say sarcastically. "Your a fucking asshole." Pete says. "Your the asshole" I respond. It's obvious we don't get along.

(Marjorines pov)

When I open the door with the key I still have you can practically feel the tension in the room. Pete is crossing his arms while Riley is giving him a dirty look. I look at Bradley and back at them, concerned. "Uhh-" I say and they both look up. Riley looks up, looking annoyed. It's not really normal for to be annoyed, "what?" "..nevermind" Bradley says, "we'll leave cause there's obviously some tension you two need to break."  He grabs my hand and I close the door. "What do you think that was about?" I whisper. He shrugs, "well they have never really got along well so.." "right" I say.
"Why don't we just go hang out in the garden just us?" Bradley asks. I smile, "yeah I would like that"

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