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(When I use third persons keep in mind I will be using "Marjorine" and "she/her" pronouns for her. Keep in mind most of the characters don't know she's trans, I just want to clear confusion!)

(third person)

"Butters.. butters.. what happened!? Why are you crying!?" Bradley says as he stares at marjorine who has started just crying. "Th- that was.. MY boyfriend!!" She says and her voice cracks a little, that being all can come out of her mouth. Bradley's eyes widened, he thought that a person who had gotten someone so sweet as "butters" would never cheat.. "the one with the dirty blonde hair?" He says and looks at marjorine expectantly. 
Marjorine nods as tears stream down her face, "yes! W- we promised we would be together forever.." her sobs get even worse. It makes Bradleys heart ache. He hated seeing her cry.  He pulls her into a hug, it catches marjorine off guard but it just makes her burst into more tears, because the only other person she got comfort form was Kenny. Bradley just holds her as she cries, trying his best to comfort her.
"I'm sorry for being so sensitive.. i- it's stupid how I'm c- crying over a post" Bradley sighs and pulls marjorines chin up so she can face him. Marjorine can feel her heart skip a beat. Bradley looks into her eyes. "Butters, you have a right to be crying, it's okay.. I'm okay with it! And also, yes your a sensitive person. But sometimes it's good to be like that. It's valid to be crying, so just let it out.." marjorine cries into Bradley's shoulder. Now not because of the video, but because Bradleys comfort reminded her of Kenny's comfort. her thoughts start spiraling, if kenny doesn't love her she feels like no one will, "i- I feel unlovable.." bradley hugs marjorine, "no, your definitely not unlovable.. you'll learn to get over him, if he broke his promise he's just not the one for you.. you'll find love, I promise. I know someone is bound to love you." Marjorine smiles, "thank you Bradley.." "no problem, if you ever need to get something off your chest or cry I'm right here.." marjorine leans in closer to Bradley and kisses his cheek, "thanks for the comfort." Bradleys eyes widen and he blushes, "oh! Uhhh- anytime.." marjorines eyes widen as she realizes what she just did, "sorry! Sorry I don't know why I did that!" Bradley chuckles, "it's fine. J- just uh.. act like that didn't happen!" "Yep!" Marjorine says and gets up. She walks to her bed and lies down.
Though she can't help but glance up at Bradley like every two seconds. Was she actually falling in love with this boy just because he comforted her..? If she was, she definitely was not gonna get over Kenny.. her heart just hurts thinking of Kenny. She really didn't know that he would break his promise..
Also, she almost had forgotten about the fact  that Bradley might like her.. was that why he was comforting her? Because he likes her..? She looks over at Bradley and sees him also looking at her, they both instantly look away, the tension just growing.
Bradley is also thinking the same thing. Could he have a chance with this "boy"? He keeps thinking about the fact that she kissed his cheek. Was it just platonic? She's definitely still getting over her ex but.. maybe Bradley could have a chance. That makes him a little excited. She keeps looking at him.. he blushes and looks over at marjorine again, "hey uhh.. I have a question!"
"I have one too.." marjorine says and looks at him. "Oh, well you ask first" Bradley says and waits for marjorine. Marjorine takes a deep breath, "do you have feelings for anyone at this camp?" Bradleys eyes widen, "oh! Uhmm.. okay, yes.. but do you?" Marjorines face heats up, "I think I.. might.." she says and looks down at her hands, the tension growing between the two even more. "Who do you have feelings for?" Marjorine says. Bradley gets nervous, "do you really want to kno-" "is it me?" Marjorine asks and it catches Bradley off guard. He sighs, "would you be mad if it was a yes?" Marjorines heart flutters, "u- Uhm.. no.." her voice cracks a little. "then yes, I like you butters. I started falling for you the week you practically got here.. are you mad or..?" She shakes her head, "I'm not mad.." "who do you like?" "You." Marjorine says simply, it even catches her off guard. She isn't even sure if she likes him.. now the tension is even more deafening.
"What a coincidence.." Bradley laughs nervously and looks over at marjorine, not really being able to contain his smile. "Yep.. but I need some time to think before uh.. anything happens between us.." he nods, "of course! Take your time.." marjorine smiles and walks over to Bradley, Bradleys heart was practically jumping out of his chest. "I just need to do this so I can be more sure..

Marjorine kisses him.


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