bad girlfriend

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(I wrote this while doing homework so it might be a bad chapter)

(Bradleys pov)

Once the teacher got out there I feel my weight get heavy and I fall down and it goes dark, the last thing I see is marjorine.


A beam of light shines down on me and I start to wake up. Everything is blurry and my ear is ringing. Then I hear muffled voices. "Wait I think he's waking up.." I finally regain consciousness and see that there is a ceiling light over the bed. Really? Did they really have to put a bed under a light..? I squint my eyes and look at the nurse. "Hey Bradley" she says, "you got bruised up pretty badly, luckily that boy didn't give you a concussion.
I think he may have punched me like.. 8 times. I don't even think he was trying and yet I'm in so much pain. It's Damien for crying out loud. I look over and see marjorine. My whole mood changes once I see that girl. I smile at her. She runs up to me and hugs me, "I was so worried you wouldnt wake up, are you okay!?" I chuckle. I love how worried she can get about me, I like how much she cares. "Yeah I think I'm fine, just got beat up."
It's oddly embarrassing getting beat up and then having your girlfriend see it. The doctor speaks up, "well Bradley, your gonna have to take it easy all day. You aren't injured at all so you still have to go to school" of course I do. I nod and marjorine takes my hand and helps me to class. I love this girl so fucking much..

(Marjorines pov)

I'm walking Bradley to class and I still keep thinking about Kenny. I hate myself for doing it, I have a boyfriend right fucking next to me. It's just.. Kenny is like a fucking magnet. Oh shit. If the girls found out they would think I'm weird. I just need to remind myself I have Bradley and Kenny is taken. I enter class and help Bradley in his seat. I kiss his cheek and sit next to him.
He smiles at me, "thanks Marjorine, your so sweet and caring.." he holds my hand. My face heats up but I don't get butterflies in my stomach. No.. surely I would get butterflies in my stomach because of this.. this is weird. I smile back at him regardless. We then pay attention to class and mind drifts off into thinking of Kenny again..


I wake up to Bradley shaking me, "huh?" I say and rub my eyes. "What..?' Bradley chuckles, "you fell asleep, class ended" I blush in embarrassment and stand up. I fix my skirt. I forgot to mention, I've been doing what I did the first day of school a lot.
Then I remember I fell asleep thinking of Kenny and I get a sick feeling and I feel a  lump in my throat, I'm the worst girlfriend on the earth.. we walk to lunch and I sit with the girls, I see that he goes to sit next to Kenny and Tammy. They are friends?

Well damn- I look towards to girls. I still have that sick feeling. "Oh my God, Kevin is like the sweetest boyfriend. He took me on the best date yesterday!" Red says. "It's nice that kevin is good to you! You two are so cute together!!" Wendy says and smiles. I look down at my food as they talk, not really wanting to pay attention. I feel like in just surrounded by a cloud of darkness. I just feel like a really bad girlfriend, I'm thinking of another boy..
I mean, it's not like I'm cheating.. but I really feel like I am. It sucks. I feel a tap on my shoulder and bebe is looking at me. "Hey marjorine? You look upset, are you okay?" I automatically smile and shake my head, "no!! I'm fine!" I'm good at acting happy and cheerful at this point, I basically do it all the time when I have a bad day and no one knows the difference" except Nichole still looks concerned, "no, you looked like.. you just looked sad.. are you really okay?" I bite my lip nervously, obviously not wanting to tell them about what I'm really thinking about..
"I just.. don't wanna talk about it." I do hate having people concerned for me. Nichole sighs, "okay.. but if you ever need someone to talk to we are all here for you. Don't feel scared.." I smile, "thanks Nichole, but I'm fine for now" they slowly get back to talking like normal, but I know they are still concerned about me. It makes me feel good that these girls care. I mean, back before I went to that camp all I had was Kenny. Now I have a boyfriend, Riley, Pete, and all of these girls. Maybe I don't regret going to that camp.. if I didn't maybe all I would have is Kenny now.
I am definitely not the best girlfriend though, Bradley is the most amazing boyfriend i could ask for and I spend my time thinking of Kenny. I'm gonna ask him on a date later!

(Guys, I have a reading list on my profile and there is some very good and underrated stories in there. I would recommend reading some of them, one of my followers stories are in there and it's fucking amazing. So, I really recommend reading those amazing stories)

(Also sorry for not posting daily i try my hardest to :( )

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