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(Kenny's pov)

"Bye karen.. ill see you later!" I say. Tammy was able to convince me to go to school this past week and has even helped me a ton. I appreciate her so much. Karen smiles and hugs me. Im so glad shes stil the innocent little girl she was back then. She brings the most happiness in my life.. honestly, i would kill just for my sister to have a happier life.. she doesn't deserve the life she has. She doesn't deserve to live in this condition..shes really the only reason I'm not just a lazy bum. She gives me motivation to get up in the morning. I smile and ruffle her hair, "be good for your teachers!"
She nods and runs off towards her friends. I put my hands in my pockets and start to walk to school. I feel some bump into me hard and I almost tumble over. "Fuck!" I exclaim and turn around. I see a disoriented girl that has fallen to the ground. Shes tall and looks about my age. She looks at me with wide eyes, "oh I'm sorry! I'm in a little bit of a rush.. are you okay?" "Are you the one who's okay?" I ask, "you fell to the ground.."
She smiles, "I'm fine, but can you help..?" I nod and take out my hand for her to grab. She grabs it and gets up, taking her hand off immediately. She probably thinks I'm disgusting anyway. "Thanks so.. do you go to highschool here by any chance?" She asks. "Yeah I do, I was just about to go, I've never seen you around here.. are you new?" "Yeah.." she says with a hint of hesitation, "I think I went the wrong way, can you maybe walk with me there?"
I nod, "I can.. but we are gonna be late. I'm always late to school cause I drop my sister off here" "yesh I know." I make a confused face, "did you see?" She makes a nervous look, "oh! Yeah I did see.." weird.. "well let's go then" I say and walk the opposite direction, she follows.
I normally just don't talk to people. Why did I talk to her, let alone have a conversation? I'm confused on my own actions now. We walk awkwardly in silence as we walk to school. She looks nervous, I would assume because she's shy. Lots of people are shy, my sister is. The weather is perfect today actually. My morning is going well I guess. I turn to the girl, "wait.. what's your name?" "Marjorine" she mumbles. That's a pretty name. Could this girl be my friend? I kinda hope not.. having friends is stressful for some reason.
"Cool" I say awkwardly and we near school, "this is it" I point at the school. She smiles, "thanks for helping" the smile makes me skip a beat.. shit shit shit. "No problem!" I say and she walks in. I follow behind her, "don't you have to go to the office?" I ask. "Uh yeah." She says. "Do you know the way?" I ask. She nods and I just walk away, the situation getting too awkward.
Holy shit.. I've never seen a girl as pretty as her. A pretty girl with a pretty name. And her hair is very pretty too.. (notice how "butters" in the first chapter said that Kenny liked his hair? 👀👀) It'll probably be rough being her friend if I end up being her friend.

(Marjorines pov)

I go to the bathroom first to take my baggy pants off so I can just have the dress, it's very unomfy having a dress tucked into your pants. And dresses make me feel pretty..
I can't believe the first person I see is Kenny. Thank God he didn't recognize me.. he looks terrible though.. not in a bad way but.. he has eye bags, he has messy hair, overall he looks depressed.. it makes me sick to my stomach. Yet something makes me so drawn to him, and it's honestly annoying. He's not loyal. I need to move on.. I have a boyfriend now.
I can't wait to see Bradley.. the thought of seeing him brings butterflies to my stomach. I stuff my pants into my backpack and get out of the bathroom. I do feel pretty in this dress, especially since I'm not just alone in my room. People are actually seeing me as a girl! It's refreshing.
I walk to the principals office. "Hi.." I say in a shy voice. She looks up from her paperwork, "oh your the new student! Leopold..?" She looks at me puzzled, "are you sure that's your name?" I nod slowly, the name making my heart sink. "most people call me marjorine." I sort of lie, I'm just gonna tell everyone my names marjorine so.. "ah! Okay, marjorine. I have your schedule here, your locker will be locker 189" I nod and smile politely, "okay! Thanks. Also I'm sorry for being late.. I got lost.." she smiles, "no problem! Do you need a tour?" I shake my head, "thanks but I don't!"
"Okay, you can go to class then. Ill inform your teachers about you." "Got it!" I say and walk out. It makes me happy that I'm pulling off being a real girl. I check my schedule and go to my first period class. Oh, I guess it's history. I walk in, "hi..?" the teacher smiles, "you must be marjorine! The new student!" I nod and walk up to the teacher, "students, this is our new student marjorine. Be nice to her- I'm talking to you Cartman!" I points at Cartman and he rolls his eyes. I couldn't forget him.. of course.
The teacher turns to me, "you can sit in that free seat next to our other new student, Bradley."
I smile wide and sit next to him. "Oh god.. hi.." Bradley says nervously. I study his face and he's blushing a lot. Awwee.. I smile sweetly at him, "hii!!" "I didn't expect you to look so pretty as a girl.. wow.." he stares at me and I feel like butterflies are in my stomach.

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now