break up.

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(marjorines pov)

I look over at Bradley and he's sweating. I look over at Kenny and then follow Bradley to the side of the school. He looks different. Less.. less loving than he normally is. I'm scared. Does he think I'm a bad girlfriend? I don't deserve this man. I always knew it. It's cause well- I always felt drawn towards Kenny. And I'm aware he technically broke my heart. But, there's always a second chance..
There isn't one of I'm still with Bradley. And I know he loves me so.. I'll stay unhappy for him. He sits on the bench on the side and I sit next to him. I start to speak to break the awkward tension, "Bradley? What is it?" He looks over at me with red teary eyes and I gulp. The tension only growing more. I know now something bad is going to happen.
Why is he crying? He grabs my hand and I wince. "Um.." he makes a nervous look then let's go. "Marjorine.." he sounds heartbroken, his voice cracking. Oh fuck.. what..? "I- I know we.." he takes a deep breath, "well, I do love you, a lot marjorine.. but i- I do t think we were meant to be.." my expression softens. "I'll think I'll always have you in my heart, marjorine.. but I can tell your unhappy in this relationship." My heart stops. I know he noticed.
He looks so heartbroken I can't just leave him like this.. "no!! What!? B- Bradley that's nonsense! I still love you.." I say trying to convince myself more than him at this point. I know I don't actually love him.. but hes such a sweet person and I can't just have him unhappy! He shakes his head and tears run down his face, "I know you're in love with Kenny.. and I want you to be happy.." I start to cry.
I didn't mean to fall inlove with Kenny again and I didn't want to.. but I did. I did and it fucking hurts. "Bradley I'm so.. so sor-" he cuts me off, "dont be sorry. Your an amazing girl. I know you didn't mean it and there's no way you were ever a bad girlfriend. But marjorine, d- do you really want to be unhappy with me? Wouldn't you rather be with someone you love? I can move on." It's hard to take this all in. I do want to be happy.. but then I feel selfish.
I think he sees the guilt on my face so he speaks, "marjorine, I'm unhappy if your unhappy. I don't want to be stuck in this type of relationship. Don't worry.." that brings a little bit of relief and I looks up at him, "so we are broken up?" I say with more happiness than I should have and I curse to myself. He slowly nods, "yes. For the better of both of us." I try to stop my shaking hands and nod. "O- okay.. yeah.."
He gets up and looks at me, "stay as friends, of course?" He takes out his hand and I shake it awkwardly. "Stay as.. friends.." both me and Bradley walk back to the front of the school and people are still there. Did school not start? It felt like I was on that bench for such a long time.. I check my watch. Only 4 minutes. Damn.. time went slowly then.. Bradley walks up to his friends and doesn't look at me. I get why.
I look over and see Kenny right against the wall next to the side of the school where me and Bradley were breaking up. Was he listening in? I feel kind of guilty going up to Kenny right now but I do it, I think Bradley would want me to anyway. Wouldn't he?
He looks up at me and smiles slightly, "hey marj.." he looks happy.
He then looks worried, "are you okay?" I look at him, "did you listen in?" His eyes widen.

(This is a short chapter, but I'm actually putting this story into two parts! This is the like- bratters angst section of the story and the next will be kenjorine! I just have so much more planned for this story so far and it'll be easier for me to split it up.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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