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(butters pov)

Riley helps me unpack all my stuff and even helps me decorate a bit, I think she's pretty cool. "So, apparently tomorrow we will be starting some class kind of thing, but this time it's with the same gender." Riley says as she snacks on some stolen crackers from the office. I look at her, confused "how did you know?" I sit back in my bed. Now she looks at me confused, "today we all got instructed this and we got some sticky notes on a classroom we are going into" I take one of her crackers, "oh. I guess I didn't get one then" "well it's probably cause you just got here, check in the front office, I think it's like- to the left?"
I nod and get up from the bed, "I'll check." I walk towards the door and open it. I look down the long hallway and go to the left. I pass by the office and turn back and knock on the door. This is where the main homophobes are I guess. Im already annoyed by them.. an old looking lady opens the door and I walk in. And of course, at the main desk is a man that looks to be in his late 40s. A fucking straight white man, of course! I expected that.
I walk slowly up to the desk and he makes a "welcoming" smile, "hello there, what brings you here?" I look at him with a nervous smile, "so my roommate said there was something we were gonna do? And we're partnered. So.. do I get that or.." "ohh I guess we forgot to give you one.. well, we have no new people and we have.. one person left" the woman makes a face, "David, we can't give him bradley.." he nods and sighs, "I know hon, but he should participate.. also we can just warn him.." then he looks at me with a nervous expression, "sorry, so.. you'll be paired with Bradley, but he's.. he's a bad kid, he's been here for 5 years so.. just don't listen to him if he says any misinformation, we want you to have a healthy transition into the right mindset."
I wonder what this Bradley kid is actually like.. I nod and smile, "thank you-" he hands me a sticky note, "the classroom you'll be going into" I take the sticky note and leave the office, the sticky note says room 26 on it. Okay, I barley got any information about this partnership shit.. I guess I know more when it's time to do that? I walk back into the room and close the door behind me, Riley is playing my chemical romance on her phone. I smile, "hey I know that band!" "Oh cool! You have some taste. So, who's your partners name?"
I sit in the floor next to my bed, "this kid named Bradley" "oh cool, my partners name is Clara.. it reminds me of the nutcracker" she says and giggles softly. I roll my eyes, "you know what I think of this place?" She furrows her eyebrows, "what? That it's a hellhole filled with homophobic old men?" I laugh, "that and the fact that it's kind of like boarding school." "Yep, I can't wait to get out of here so I can just get back with my girl. Honestly, if I'm forced to not be close to her or any girl I'll probably just secretly make out with some girl here. I get touch deprived"
I give her a skeptical look, "mhmm-" she rolls her eyes, "I'm just kidding! Sorta!" We both laugh. "So what was your boyfriend like?" She asks. That question makes me both sad and happy. I smile softly, "he was the sweetest, most gentle person I've ever met. He cried really hard the day I had to left.." he makes a sympathetic look, "aww.. that's sweet, I love teen love so much. Teens would honestly be happy without all these old people telling us wrong shit" I nod in agreement, "yup."


The next day I wake up to the light blinding me, I hear Riley groan and I look up, the same young woman from the front desk opens the door with a smile, "hey you guys! Today we are getting partnered up. Be ready by 8 and meet in the classrooms where a counselor will tell you what you guys will be doing!" "Okayy-" we both say and she closes the door. We look at each other and groan, "ugh I hate waking up earlyyy!!" She says and I nod. I grab some clothes, "I'll change in the bathroom, you change out here or something." She opens her phone, obviously distracted and I walk into the bathroom to change.
I put on a white kerropi shirt and some dark green cargo pants. Simple, cause I don't care what the fuck I'm wearing here. I walk out and she's still in her PJs and on her phone, I sigh. "Get changed- 8:00 is in 10 minutes,  they didn't give us much time" she looks up with a shocked face, "wait 10 minutes?! I need to do my makeup still!" "Why?"I ask and she shrugs, "I don't know, makes me feel good" I wonder why..
"Oh okay" I say and she walks into the bathroom. I keep thinking about that thing she said about makeup. Can it really make you feel good?

Meant To Be.. (kenjorine)Where stories live. Discover now