Chapter 459

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Florian nodded and continued "I have a suggestion. Business people like us in Donghai City should get together and demolish all of Darryl's resources in the city."

Upon hearing this, everyone seemed delighted. Jeremy Langley was the first to stand up and agree. "Exactly! We can't give him any way to get back on his feet."

Darryl came to ruin his wedding, and Jeremy wanted him to pay for it.

Others joined in, showing their support too.

"Yeah, there are so many families here. Once we all get together, how hard can it be to destroy his company?"

"Haha! Without his powerful resources to back him up, Darryl won't be able to get back on his feet!"

"Yeah! Even when he comes back to Donghai City, he won't cultivate anyway without money. He'll be useless!"

The crowd laughed together, delighted by their plan.

Master Reed let out a sigh and looked at Timothy Langley. "So, is this wedding still happening today?"

Upon hearing his words, everyone became silent.

'Yeah, was the wedding still going on? The stage was shattered into pieces...' everyone wondered.

Timothy let out a sigh as he glanced around the surrounding and the debris. "Okay, we'll reschedule my son and Yvonne's wedding to a month from now. My apologies for not being the best host today."

"Mister Langley's too polite!"

"We can all understand. Please don't blame yourself." the elites of the Six Sect said to Timothy and Jeremy.

As the crowd dispersed, someone pointed at Lily. "Oh yeah, Darryl's wife fainted. What should we do?"

By then, William and the members of the Lyndon family had already left. Instantly everyone turned their attention to Lily.

Although she was Darryl's, she was humble, polite, and was gentle. It was headache to think about what they should do with her.

Since nobody spoke up, Florian gazed at the unconscious Lily with squinted eyes. "She's Darryl's wife and my sister-in-law. Even though Darryl's a bastard, she's innocent. Since the Lyndons have left, I'll bring her back to the Darby mansion first. When she wakes up, then I'll send her back to the Lyndons."

He said it with such an obligatory and heroic tone that it earned him praise and respect from the crowd.

"No wonder you're the Master of the Darby family. You're so generous and such a gentleman!"

"Yeah, with the Darby family under your guidance, it'll be as glorious as ever!"

Having earned praise and respect from the public, he curled his lips into a smirk and slowly approached Lily.

He could not help gulping his saliva. 'Who would have thought that Darryl's wife could be as pretty as a flower and her body..."

He was not able to take a shot with Darryl's Queenie. Ofcourse, Florian would not let this opportunity pass, so he reached out his hands, ready to carry Lily in his arms.

However, he heard the loud clicking sound of heels as a woman came to stand in front of him. It was Yumi!

Yumi's face was stern as she glared at Florian. "You're hurt; you can't carry her. Let me do it."

She knew her husband well enough to know that whenever he saw gorgeous ladies, he would do anything to get them. She knew what he had in mind when offering to bring Lily home. Ofcourse, she would not expose him in front of so many people. Yumi bent down and carried Lily in her arms.

The Carter mansion was located in the heart of Mid-City. It was well-known for its antique-looking garden. The estate occupied tens of thousands of acres, built with an ancient-looking architecture that was magnificent and majestic. It was surrounded by bamboo forests giving it a sense of elegance and peace.

The moment Darryl arrived at the Carter mansion, he could not help to take a deep breath. The architecture was like poetry or artwork. It was truly magnificent!

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