Chapter 531

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Yvette's body could not help but tremble while she tried resisting the hot and ticklish feelings. She bit her lip tightly and refused to make a sound!

"Fine, let's see how long you can keep it up." Darryl was in no rush as he leaped with a single jump onto a big tree and laid relaxingly on a branch.

Yvette felt worse as time passed under the circumstances, no one could endure such ticklish sensations for long.

Darryl closed his eyes and enjoyed Yvette's incessant laughter which was like music to his ears.

Yvette was covered in sweat after about a dozen seconds as she could not endure any longer and said "Darryl, haha... Please stop the formation..."

Darryl was happy to hear Yvette's gentle tone but he still remained silent. This woman was stubborn and he had to properly torment her further. Darryl kept his eyes shut and whistled on the tree branch as though he did not hear a single thing.

Yvette's arrogant demeanor faded away and she felt utter despair upon seeing Darryl's actions. "Darryl, please stop the formation. Please, I'm begging you..."

Yvette was unwilling to beg Darryl for mercy, but she really could not endure any longer! She was tormented to the point of being completely covered in sweat.

Yvette threw her dignity aside upon seeing Darryl was still silent and pleaded while stomping the grounds. "Darryl, the Indomitable Darby, Sect Master Darby! I'm begging you, please have mercy on me. I won't do it again, please let me go..."

Yvette's face turned red-hot like a fireball. As the prideful New World's Princess Yvette, anyone who saw her had to bow down and greet her! She had never thought she would one day be begging mercy from a man!

Darryl lazily opened his eyes upon hearing Yvette's words. "Tell me exactly who are you?"

"I'm the New World Princess..."

Darryl was stunned and looked at Yvette in disbelief upon hearing her words. He was rendered speechless for quite some time.

So Yvette was a princess! It was no wonder the Twelve Royal Guards listened to her commands!

Darryl was taken aback and could not help but asked "Why did you impersonate me and adbuct those sect's elites?"

Yvette bit her lip with her fluttering eyelashes as she put on an expression as though she was wronged. "I just thought it's fun and imitated you out of my admiration for you. I think Elysium Gate is very cool and that Indomitable Sect Master Darby is amazing..."

Yvette tried resisting the ticklish feelings while gently pleaded "Sect Master Darby, I won't do it again. Please let me go..."

Darryl furrowed his eyebrows. "I can let you go, but you must come with me and properly explain this situation to the sects! You humiliated those elites and framed Elysium Gate for it. The Elysium Gate will become every martial artists' public enemy if this matter isn't explained properly."

"Alright, alright, I'll go okay!" Yvette bit her lip tightly as she was about to cry.

Darryl waved his hand and stopped the formation after Yvette agreed to compromise.

At that moment, rapid footsteps could be heard coming from beyond the woods! A dozen figures swiftly flew into sight soon after!

It was the Twelve Royal Guards!

Yvette felt her spirits revitalized upon seeing them and shouted "Twelve Royal Guards, quickly sieze Darryl! You have to capture him!"

Yvette was unspeakably angered and embarrassed at the moment!

She had surrendered for the time being just because she could no longer endure it. She would not let Darryl go now that the Twelve Royal Guards had arrived!

Yvette wanted to capture Darryl, forced him onto his knees, and begged her for mercy!

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