Chapter 577

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A self-proclaimed righteous set learned the evil Dark Method. How dare they still pretend to be self-righteous?

Dax was enraged as well, clenching his teeth. Darryl nodded, somewhat touched by their reactions. He was extremely fortunate to have met these two brothers in his life.

"By the way, where is Adina?" Chester frowned as he asked the maidservant.

The maidservant quickly answered "Master, mistress said she would come after she finished the last dish. She should have finished long ago. Should I go call for her again?"

"Don't need to rush her. We've also finished eating." Chester waved in dismissal. Adina must be exhausted from preparing a feast.

Darryl nodded and smiled "Yes, let her rest. She has worked hard hosting us!"

They clinked their glasses again. It was almost ten at night by the time they decided to call it a night. Chester was drunk.

I can't take it anymore..." Chester mumbled He did not drink much. However, today was a special occasion as they became sword brothers. Ofcourse, he indulged in drinking.

"Haha! Brother Chester, your alcohol tolerance is weak!" Dax laughed. However, he was just as drunk as Chester. He could not stand properly either.

"Darryl, Dax, wait for me. I'll practice my alcohol tolerance. I'll outdrink all of you in the future!" Chester laughed. He put his arms around Darryl's shoulders.

"Let's go, brothers. I'll send you back to your rooms."

They had never-ending things to talk about on the way back. Once they went returned, they were sure they would continue chatting for a while.

Dax laughed out loud. "Brother Chester, the Eternal Life Paradise is amazing, except for one caveat. There's no electricity! It's dark at night, so we would be talking in the dark later! Haha!"

The three of them walked together to the backyard.

It was late, and the sky was dotted with stars.

They came upon a small road as tehy were chatting happily when Dax suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He pointed at a bush not far from him and exclaimed "Chester, Darryl, it lloks like someone is lying there! F*ck, am I hallucinating?" Dax rubbed his eyes.

He was not wrong. There was someone there!

Chester and Darryl looked to where Dax was pointing. They were astonished.

A woman's body laid there, still wearing an apron.

Chester frowned as he quickly approached the body. He was shocked to find out that it was Adina.

There was blood everywhere, and her chest had a gaping stab wound. She was long dead.


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