Chapter 506

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"Darryl, are you nuts?" Declan was annoyed; he pointed at Darryl as he shouted "Why would the Coastline Sect people do you that favor? Who do you think you are?"

'He must be joking.' The others scoffed at him as well.

"Honey, stop―" Lily stomped her foot in frustration as she tugged on Darryl's sleeve; her face was flushed from the embarrassment. She wanted to dig a hole and hide in it when the others mocked Darryl.

"Enough! Just ignore him." Declan waved his hand in dismissal and hushed them. "Let's get the money."

Darryl sighed as he took out his cellphone discreetly to send a text to Zephyr Dixon.

The Powter brothers walked toward them when their ten minutes were up; they dragged their blades on the ground. It created sparks and rattling noises.

"Do you have the money? It's only 20 billion bucks, so hurry up." Ocean was impatient.

Just 20 billion?

Declan and the others wanted to cry.

'Money doesn't grow on trees! Even those rich men on television would not be able to take out 20 billion bucks in cash even if they have aa net worth of hundreds of billions!'

Net worth on television referred to al, of a person's financial assents, including his company, property, cars, and shares. It would be near impossible for one to take out 20 billion cash!

Declan approached Ocean with a frown and tried to negotiate with him. "Boss, we really don't have that much in cash."

"What?" Ocean's expression was grim. "You took ten minutes to tell me that you don't have that much money? You're a f*cking dead man!"

He gave Declan two punches on his face!

The man broke a few Declan's teeth, and the student almost passed out from the pain.

"Boss, stop, please!" Declan winced from the pain and went down on his knees again. "Lighter, please, Boss? Please, I'm begging you..."

"F*ck off!" Ocean yelled and kicked Declan; the younger man sprawled on the ground.

"You don't have money? I'll chop a finger off you guys, and the ladies will have to follow us home for the night!" Ocean said as he grabbed Lily's hand!

A few of the female students attracted his attention.

Those girls were beautiful, and Ocean could not think og anyone who could be compared to them. He never thought that he would meet such attractive ladies in his life. Since they could not pay, he was willing to have the ladies instead!

River also strutted toward the ladies with a grin on his face. He had his eyes on Yvette and Circe, and he scanned their bodies brazenly.

"You―" Lily exclaimed fearfully; her face was flushed with embarrassment and anger as Ocean gripped her hand tightly.

"What are you doing?!" Circe's body quivered as she shouted.

The frightened she was, the more excited the Powter brothers got. They gave the girls a big smile and said "Don't be afraid. We're not going to hurt you; we only want to spend a night with you."

Manny and the other disciples burst into laughter!

The other students panicked, but no one voiced out as they did not dare to be the hero in that situation!

Yvette shouted for help when River dragged her away, but none of the male students helped her. She felt so disappointed and hopeless!

"Let her go."

A cold voice said!

It was Darryl!

There was total silence!

Declan and the others turn to Darryl with a conflicted expression. 'Does this idiot have a death wish?'

The other female students shook their heads. 'Is Darryl trying to act brave now? He might die if he tries to be the hero!'

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