Chapter 570

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Everyone felt sad, listening to Chester's sobs.

Then, Golden Lion, Zion Featherstone, walked towards Chester. He knelt and said "Follower Zion Featherstone. All hail our Master!"

The old Sect Master had just passed away, and the new one had to take over immediately. This was the law.

"All hail our Master!"

A sea of followers knelt in unison. Only two refused to kneel as they stood there looking at Dax, filled with dissatisfaction.

The two were White Horse and Crimson Snake. The husband and wife duo were disgruntled.

White Horse took one step forward and said "Chester, you are merely a Level One Master. With such weak powers, what right do you have to be the Sect Master?"

The crowd gasped.

Chester's face flushed as he could not offer a retort. He was of a low cultivator rank, yet he was honored with the Military Adviser, a rank above the Four Guardian Kings. White Horse and Crimson Snake were always unhappy about this.

However, Chester did not expect that they would defy him so openly in public in front of everyone!

The atmosphere became heavy and awkward suddenly.


Zion stood up and slapped his chair.

"White Horse, Crimson Snake! What do both of you mean? It was written clearly on Master Webb's will to let the Military Adviser be the Sect Master. The Military Adviser is wise and sensible. What's wrong with him being the Sect Master?" he roared.

"Haha! Zion, stop with the act! Let me ask you, so what if he's wise? His powers are weak. What right does he have to be Sect Master? I disagree with him being our Sect Master!" Crimson Snake laughed coldly.

Crimson Snake took a hard look at Chester. She rushed toward him and lifted her arm as she sneered "If Chester can block my slap, I'll hail him as my Master!"

Everyone was stunned as they did not expect her to hit Chester! The Four Guardian Kings were all Level Five Martial Marquis! If Crimson Snake slapped Chester, he would die.

Chester was astounded too. Crimson Snake's speed was too fast; he could not avoid it.

Just as he was about to get slapped, someone rushed foward and blocked him. It was Darryl. He was not going to let anyone bully Chester.

"Do you want to die?" Crimson Snake yelled. She was angry that someone would block her move, so she redirected her slap towards Darryl.

Darryl was fearless. He harnessed his energy field and lifted his hands to meet with her slap.


Their two palms met, and Darryl felt a huge force overpower him. He was forced to retreat a few steps back as he spat out blood.

Crimson Snake had the upper hand. After all, Darryl would definitely lose a little when fighting with a Level Five Martial Marquis.

"Darryl!" Dax yelled. He was infuriated that Darryl was hit. He rushed forward and slapped Crimson Snake square on the face.


Dax used his entire force, whic sent Crimson Snake flying twenty meters away and caused her to cough out blood.

Dax did not care if it was a man or woman; no one can bully Darryl! After hitting her, Dax was still angry, so he walked towards White Horse and slapped him too.

White Horse was caught off guard. He wanted to block the slap, but fighting against a Level One Martial Saint was pointless.


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