Chapter 532

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The Twelve Royal Guards' gaze immediately locked onto Darryl as soon as Yvette finished her words and instantly rushed toward Darryl!

"Sh*t!" Darryl self-exclaimed as she immediately turned and ran!

Darryl could not afford to mess with these 12 people as 10 of them were Martial Marquises while two were Martial Saints!

Darryl would not be able to defeat them even if he fought to his death, therefore the best solution was to run.

Darryl could have sworn he ahd never run so fast in his life. Although he was fast, the two Martial Saints were faster!

The Royal Guard Rat instantly leaped up and blocked Darryl's path while his hands made a claw-shaped before immediately grasping toward Darryl's chest without any warning!

'Damn, is this the power of a Martial Saint? It's only a simple grasp yet it's so terrifying!' If Darryl was caught, he would have been crippled if not dead!

Darryl also felt a suffocating sensation! He dared not face the Royal Guard Rat head-on so he retreated to dodge the attack.

At that moment, the Royal Guard Ox attacked Darryl from another direction with a punch!

This punch was extremely powerful and imposing!

Darryl had quickly reacted and dodged left, but alas he did not fully make it and was grazed by the punch. Just a mere graze had caused Darryl to spit out blood!

"Ah!" Darryl's mind went blank as he lost control of his body and flew a dozen meters away. He landed heavily on the ground before spitting out even more blood!

At that moment, the Twelve Royal Guards had surrounded Darryl who was in immense pain and instantly felt hopeless!

'This is the end, am I going to be captured? Yvette will surely torture me to death if I'm caught.' thought Darrl.

"Come quietly." said the Royal Guard Rat coldly as he reached out to grab Darryl!


The sounds of two explosive dashes could be heard at that crucial moment and Darryl instinctively looked toward the sound's direction and saw two figures swiftly flying toward him!

It was a man and a woman!

The slender man with a skinny face had a blue dragon tattoo on his neck!

While the woman was wearing a dark red dress on her slim and graceful figure. They were part of Grandmaster Heaven Cult's Four Guardian Kings—the Azure Dragon and Vermillion Peafowl!

'What are they doing here? Aren't they supposed to be on Elysian Island?' Darryl was puzzled.

"Elder Master, we're here to save you!" Azure Dragon shouted before flicking his wrist and threw a palm strike at the Royal Guard Rat!

BooM! The Royal Guard Rat and Azure Dragon both staggered back as the attack landed with none having an advatage over the other!

At the same time, Vermillion Peafowl rushed toward Darryl and held him in her arms. her enchanting face was filled with unease and worry. "Elder Master, are you alright? Are you injured?"


At that moment, Darryl felt as if his organs had been completely rearranged. While enduring the pain, he could smell Vermillion Peafowl's fragrance as he held him against her elegant body. Darryl could not help but quietly swallowed his saliva and smiled "I'm fine. I won't die."

The Vermillion Peafowl nodded upon hearing Darryl's words, held onto him, and flew midair!

Meanwhile, Azure Dragon was fighting and retreating at the same time before eventually leaving the area.

The two Guardian Kings took Darryl a dozen kilometers and finally landed on a boat.

"Elder Master, are you sure your injuries aren't serious?" Azure Dragon could not help but ask while standing on the deck when he noticed there was blood on the corner of Darryl's mouth.

Darryl waved his hand. "I'm alright, I'm alright. Why did both of you suddenly appear? Aren't you supposed to be on Elysian Island?"

Both Guardian Kings glanced at each other before Vermillion Peafowl gently said "Elder Master, the Cult Mistress specifically sent us and asked for your return to Elysian Island. We finally found you after searching for so long at Donghai City."

"Why is the Cult Mistress looking for me?" Darryl mumbled.

'Could it be she misses me after not meeting for so long?' Darryl internally laughed.

"I don't know why the Cult Mistress is looking for you either." said Vermillion Peafowl gently as she channeled her internal energy to move the boat toward Elysian Island.


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