Chapter 578

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"Adina... Adina..."

Chester wailed as he hugged Adina tightly, tears falling non-stop. It was heart-wrenching.

Chester already had a hard time accepting Callum Webb's death. After becoming sworn brothers with Dax and Darryl, he cheered up but seeing Adina's dead body was another bullet straight to the heart.

"Adina, don't scare me. I beg of you to open your eyes. Please..." Chester's voice was hoarse. He was trembling.

Darryl and Dax's mind went blank. They instantly sobered up.

Chester mentioned that Adina lived on the Eternal Life Island most of the time. She was a vegetarian who would not even step on an ant. She was the kindest soul with no enemies. Furthermore, she was the Sect Master's wife. Who would do this to her?

Dax and Darryl looked at each other with anger in their eyes. Chester had just mentioned how he and Adina came a long way and how he was guilty that he could not give her a better life, so he spoiled her as much as he could. Who knew Adina would be found lying in a pool of her blood!

"Adina, I beg of you, don't leave me here! Please, please open your eyes! Please!" Chester sobbed. His cracked voice rang through the night.

"Chester, it seems like there are writings on the rock!" Darryl exclaimed.

Next to Adina, there was a rock about half a meter high. Three sentences were written with blood. It was evident that Adina wrote that before she died.

Chester looked at the rock and wailed even harder.

it wrote "Marrying you. No regrets. Let's meet in the next life."

Chester fell on to the rock and sobbed hard. Adina knew she had not much time left, so she wrote her final words for Chester.

Chester clenched his fist. He punched the rock and yelled "Adina, I need you back! How could you die? I have not taken you to see maple leaves. I've not brought you o snowy mountains, and we have not been to so many places! How could you die? I won't allow you to die! How could you? Do you hear me?!"

Tears kept falling down his cheeks. Chester had no idea how long he cried until a drop of blood fell from his eyes onto Adina. He was so gried-stricken that he cried blood!

Darryl clenched his fist, his heart aching for Chester. How much despair and agony was Chester in that he cried blood?

Hearing Chester's sobs, many followers and servants rushed over. They were stunned and helpless when they saw Adina lying lifeless in his arms.

Adina was a gentle soul. The servants mourned as well since she treated them well.

"Master, look!"

A maidservant found a jade pendant in the bush.

Chester picked the pendant up. His eyes turned red when he saw the word 'Emei' carved into it. This was the token of the Emei sect!

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