Chapter 565

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The man suddenly woke up and coughed up blood as his face turned completely white.

Shocked, Dax walked to the man and said "My friend, you're finally awake."

The man looked at Dax in confusion and asked feebly "Who... who are you?"

"My name is Dax Sanders. Don't be afraid. I was the one that rescued you." Dax said. "Sir, where did you come from, and what happened?"

"You rescued me? Tha-thank you, sir. I'm Callum Webb, the Sect Master of the Eternal Life Palace.

'What? Sect Master of the Eternal Life Palace?!' Dax thought, his mind buzzing.

He has heard that the Sect Masters of the Eternal Life Palace and Grandmaster Heaven were extremely powerful people. Who knew he would rescue the Sect Master of Eternal Life Palace?

Dax swallowed hard. He could not help but ask "Who hurt you so badly?"

It must have taken someone monstrous to be able to hurt the powerful Sect Master of Eternal Life Palace so badly!

Callum coughed up more blood. It was obvious he would not last much longer. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and said "The Six Orthodox Sects. They ambushed me..."

He weakly explained to Dax, though he kept stuttering, Dax understood his story.

Callum had an illegitimate daughter in Donghai City that he visited every once in a while. However, this time the Six Orthodox Sects found out about his visit. They have long considered the Eternal Life Palace an evil cult, so they could not let go of the opportunity to get rid of its Sect Master.

They gathered up all of their Elders and Heads, which was about a hundred or so, and ambushed Callum. If he were to fight them one on one, Callum had nothing to worry about, but facing a hundred skilled fighters at once was tough. He barely managed to escape after he was badly injured and passed out in the woods, where Dax rescued him.

Callum coughed more blood out after explaining to Dax. He was extremely emotional.

"Are you alright?" Dax asked.

"I don't have much time." Callum trembled.

Dax let out a long sigh. Though he did not know him personally, he could see that a once strong and powerful figure was about to die. There was something tragic about that.

"Sire, come over here." Callum said.

Dax did not think much of it as he walked over to the bed and bent down. Suddenly, Callum held his hand out and put his palm on Dax's head.


Dax was frightened. He tried to avoid it, but Callum was too quick. When Callum put his palm on Dax, he thought that his brain was going to explode. However, the instant Callum touched Dax; he felt a surge of power flowing through his body!

"Sir, don't move. I don't have much time left. Since you rescued me, it means that our fates are intertwined. Before I die, it's my honor to pay you back. I'm passing on my powers to you. I hope you will do great things in the future." Callum explained.


Dax felt his Internal Energy increasing exponentially! He suddenly broke through, becoming a Martial Marquis. Callum's powers were still coursing through his body! He passed Level One Martial Marquis, then Level Two Martial Marquis, and Level Three Martial Marquis.

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