Chapter 464

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'Ewan White is here?' Rachel wondered.

She was surprised as she quickly said "Dad, I'll come with you."

Ewan White was Ophelia Lane's disciple. He was also from the famous White family in Mid City.

Ewan and Rachel were good friends, and she liked him a lot as she felt he was charming.

Ophelia was seated on the sofa, an epitome of grace with her alluring body.

Ewan, her disciple, stood behind her in a suit, looking extremely dapper.

Ewan has been Ophelia's follower for almost four to five years and was quite skilled in producing elixirs.

"Ewan!" Rachel greeted him happily. "It's great to see you! We've not seen each other for ages. I've been almost bored to death!"

Ewan laughed. "I've been busy! But here I am!"

Ophelia smiled. She thought that Ewan and Rachel were a match made in heaven.

Zoran walked over and greeted Ophelia "Welcome to our humble abode."

The Jiangnan Elixir Association was an influential force in the world of cultivators, especially Ophelia Lane. She was not to be offended. Many masters and cultivators respected her.

She stood up and said "Zoran, you're too kind. I'm so sorry to visit you out of the blue. I hope you don't mind."

"Sit, sit. Make yourself at home." Zoran offered. He commanded his servants "Bring out our best tea."

When tea was served, Ophelia jumped straight to the point. "I came here for a happy occasion."

'Happy occasion?" he asked.

Ophelia smiled widely and said "Ewan, my disciple, and your daugther like each other very much. They get along with each other well as well. So, I brought Ewan here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Rachel blushed. She was extremely delighted. If she could marry Ewan, she would be the luckiest woman on earth!

Zoran frowned, then laughed awkwardly and said "I see. Unfortunately, I have to apologize to you, Ophelia. My daughter already has an arranged marriage with someone else."

Ophelia and Ewan's smiles vanished.

"May I ask to whom?" Ophelia asked curiously.

'Strange. Ewan and Rachel grew up together and got along extremely well. Why would Zoran arrange her marriage to someone else instead?' Ophelia wondered.

Zoran smiled and replied proudly "His name is Darryl Darby."

This godson of his is a genius, and there was no one as good as him. Marrying his daughter off to Darryl was not an insult at all.

Ophelia trembled as she frowned and asked "Donghai City's Darryl Darby?"

If it really were him, then it would be a huge coincidence.

At the previous Elixir Competition, Darryl's performance was outstanding. She still remembered him. He was indeed special, and she wanted him to be her disciple. Many would kill to be her disciple, but he rejected her.

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