Chapter 523

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When she heard the numbers, Yvette stood up slowly and smiled. "Great job, Royal Guard Dragon. You did well. You did not disappoint me."

The twelve men behind Yvette were the Twelve Royal Guards. Each of them represented the twelve zodiacs—Royal Guard Rat, Royal Guard Ox, Royal Guard Tiger, and the rest of the zodiac animals.

Among them, Royal Guard Rat and Royal Guard Ox were Martial Saints. The rest of the group were Martial Marquis.

All Twelve Royal Guards had their own unique capabilities, and they were extremely powerful. The New World Emperor sent them to protect Yvette.

"Princess, there is that something I don't understand." the Royal Guard asked as he knelt in front of Yvette.

"Speak." Yvette replied.

The Royal Guard Rat scratched his head. "Princess, we have captured all of these leaders, so why don't we just kill all of them? Why do we need to bring them to the Wishing Star Tower?"

Yvette smiled. "What is the point of killing them?

There are so many elites in the World Universe, and we will not be able to kill all of them. Isn't it better if we capture them alive and let the World Universe be chaotic enough that they would kill each other?"

She was right. They captured the leaders to create chaos in the World Universe, and let them kill each other!

During the students' gathering at the Hexad School, Yvette had witnessed how powerful the Elysium Gate was; it was mind-blowing.

That was where she came up with the idea to capture the elites. She wanted to humiliate them and put the blame on Elysium Gate. She wanted the entire World Universe to seek revenge with the Elysium Gate, and there would be chaos in the world!

The elites from the New World could then cross to their land to destroy the entire World Universe. What a great idea!

"Where are my mask and robe?" Yvette asked.

The Royal Guard immediately presented a black robe and a golden mask to her.

She had heard that Indomitable Darby would wear a golden mask each time he appeared. Even the Elysium Gate members had never seen his face.

Yvette tied her long hair and put on the mask. She looked at the Royal Guard Dragon and said "How do I look? What about my voice? Do I sound like Indomitable Darby?"

Royal Guard Dragon knelt and said "Princess, you looked exactly like Indomitable Darby now."

When she heard that, Yvette coughed lightly to correct him. "Please take note. I am Indomitable Darby now. You should address me as Sect Master. You don't want to give us away when we gather them here."

The Royal Guard Dragon was a smart person. He immediately replied "Yes, Sect Master."

Yvette nodded and went to sit on the chair. She raised her arms. "Good. Bring forth the prisoners."

Yvette was excited. The Twelve Royal Guards left for the Wishing Star Tower.

Soon enough, they brought about 1000 people to Yvette.

Those people included Abbess Mother Serendipity from the Emei Sect, Sect Master Endless from the Shaolin Sect, and Sect Master Treasure from the Wudang Sect. Besides that, they also had Sect Master from the Beggars Sect, Sect Master from the Halls of Swords, and Master of Island Peach Blossom. All of them looked extremely weak.

Not only were they poisoned by the Weak Poison, but their internal energy was also locked. They were just like any other ordinary person. Their hands and legs were cuffed with metal chains. None of them could escape.

Yvette was excited as she looked at every one of them. Then she spoke in a deep voice. "Greetings, Sect Masters. I regret meeting you this way. I am Indomitable Darby, and I would like to apologize to everyone."

Then she sat lazily on the chair; she looked arrogant. There was no respect for any of the elders there.

Everyone was furious as they stared at Yvette.

They were all elite members in the society, how could they be treated like an ordinary prisoner. That was way too humiliating! 

"Indomitable Darby!"

Sect Master Treasure stepped forward and pointed at Yvette angrily. "We haven't done anything wrong. Why did you capture us?"

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